Joe Biden announces the cancellation of part of the student debt

Joe Biden announces the cancellation of part of the student

It was promised, expected and even requested for a long time. US President Joe Biden announced on Wednesday August 24 the cancellation of part of the student debt contracted with the federal state. Two and a half months before the mid-term elections, it is also a political message.

With our special envoy in Washington, Guillaume Naudin

It’s been two years since the 2020 presidential campaign that Joe Biden promised to tackle about student debt. And it has been two years that the people concerned have been waiting and expressing their frustration at the slightest opportunity.

Eventually, as another election campaign begins, the president clears $10,000 people slate who earn less than $125,000 per year and $10,000 more for scholarship holders. The president announced his decision on the day of his return from vacation as American students prepare to go back to school, a measure that focuses on the smallest and federal loans, not those taken out with private banks.

He knows and he says it: some will find that it is too little. He also knows that others will find it too much: the Republicans are all in unison in denouncing a crude political maneuver. According to them, this measure, which will not apply in the same way to everyone, will also create inflation.

Joe Biden wants to answer them: “ I will never apologize for helping working class and middle class Americans. And especially with people who voted for a tax cut of 2 trillion dollars, which mainly benefited the wealthiest Americans and the biggest corporations, which slowed the economy and did little for growth, which was unfunded and inflated a huge deficit. »

As for abortion, a measure to remobilize the Democratic electorate

Joe Biden has highlighted his recent legislative successes, which he believes will reduce the public deficit. And above all his promises kept despite the difficulties.

He hopes that this will be, as with the calls to make the question of abortion a central issue in the next elections, likely to remobilize his electorate. for the midterm elections in November. Because after some encouraging results during the primary elections, the Democrats are beginning to believe that they can perhaps do more than limit damage for the general election on November 8th.
