Jobs to bet on – here there is a shortage in the labor market

Artisans, officers and teachers.
These are just some of the professions that may be worth investing in when the economic situation brightens.
– In all three areas there is a shortage of people, says economist Klas Eklund.

Unemployment in Sweden remains high. And it continues to rise – despite an improvement in the economic situation.

– One reason is that the labor market usually lags behind. It takes time before the companies have caught up with production and demand and need to hire new people. Another reason is that the Swedish labor market does not seem to work very well, says Klas Eklund.

The need for labor is great, especially in healthcare. Nevertheless, Swedish unemployment is one of the highest in Europe.

– The matching in the labor market does not work very well, says Eklund.

The jobs you should invest in

But if you want to be sure of getting a job in the near future, there are a couple of professional areas to focus on.

These are mainly professions in the public sector – teachers, officers and jobs in health and social care.

– The population is getting older and more demanding of care, at the same time the school has problems and needs to be expanded. And of course a huge build-up of the defense. In all three areas there is a shortage of people, says the economist.

In addition, there is a lot of talk about digitization and AI in several professions, where labor may be replaced. But that does not apply to all professions.

– A lot of physical jobs, craft jobs, cannot currently be replaced by apps and computers. So there is a great need there, says Klas Eklund.
