Joakim Paasikivi: It means the EU’s support package for Ukraine

The EU countries agree. After protracted negotiations, a financial aid of 50 billion euros over four years has been hammered through for Ukraine.

Thursday’s announcement is very welcome in the country and most of the money will go to civil society.

Joakim Paasikivi, lieutenant colonel at the Defense Academy, explains what the aid package means for Ukraine.

– It is extremely important, both so that Ukrainian society can function, but also because I believe that the Russian strategic idea is to wear out the West. It is now clear that this is a long-term project to pay the money to Ukraine so that they can defend themselves, he says and continues:

– This means that the West will not bow down, that the support is unbroken.

Endless needs

Joakim Paasikivi explains that, although grain exports are almost back to pre-war figures, there are “infinite needs” when it comes to rebuilding the country.

– The country would cease to function without international support, says the lieutenant colonel.

Now it is extremely important that Ukraine also receives new military support packages in order to withstand the Russian invasion.

– According to the information we receive, Ukraine says that the Russians fire 10,000 artillery shells per day. Ukraine shoots 2000 because there are no more. This does not mean that the Russians can now achieve any major terrain gains. This means that more Ukrainians die, says Joakim Paasikivi.
