JO criticizes hospitals after mixed up medical records

JO criticizes hospitals after mixed up medical records



full screen Doctors at the Academic Hospital in Uppsala have mixed up information in medical records. Now they are criticized by the Justice Ombudsman (JO). Archive image. Photo: Fredrik Persson /TT

For several years, the Academic Hospital in Uppsala has confused a man’s and his brother’s medical records. Now the Ombudsman for Justice (JO) is criticizing the hospital, reports SVT Nyheter Uppsala.

It was in connection with the man requesting documents from the district court that he discovered information in his journal that belonged to his younger brother.

It concerned information such as social security numbers, hospital stays and crimes against healthcare personnel.

Both men are sentenced to forensic psychiatric care.

The authority is now sharply criticizing the hospital. Several chief doctors are criticized for having entered incorrect information and that it has been going on since 2017. JO believes that it is “extremely serious” that decisions regarding compulsory care have been made in part based on the confused information.

Tea Sundsten, head of psychiatry at the University Hospital, thinks that what happened is regrettable and responds to the criticism.

– We see that this is about the human factor and cannot find any other explanation. But we share JO’s view that this is serious, she tells SVT Nyheter.
