Jnim hits the army in Dinangourou, a CSP executive killed by the army in Tinzaouatène

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In Mali, we know more about the heavy attack suffered Wednesday by the Malian army in Dinangourou, Koro circle, in central Mali. The Jnim (Support Group for Islam and Muslims) had already claimed responsibility for the attack. Furthermore, in the North this time, the CSP (Permanent Strategic Framework) rebels indicate that they have lost one of their historic cadres, Colonel Hassane Ag Fagaga, in an army drone strike on the Algerian border.

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The Jnim (Support Group for Islam and Muslims), linked to al-Qaeda, broadcast videos this Thursday evening. Local sources were also able to confirm certain information.

The images broadcast by Jnim show jihadists stripping the Dinangourou military camp, without consideration for the bodies of the Malian soldiers still lying on the ground. From the words of one of them, we understand that the camp was first targeted by a suicide bomber. The jihadists speak of several dozen soldiers killed. Local security and civilian sources confirm a heavy toll, without a reliable figure being able to be compiled.

This Thursday, December 21, in its press release, the army recognized the attack and spoke “ evaluations in progress “. She has not clarified since. Armored vehicles, weapons, uniforms: the videos broadcast by Jnim finally present colossal loot recovered by the jihadists.

In another theater, the Malian army, however, experienced success. Those are the CSP rebels who announced it themselves: drone strikes carried out this Thursday evening in Tinzaouatène, on the Algerian border, killed five rebel fighters.

Among them is Colonel Hassane Ag Fagaga. Historical figure of the Tuareg rebellions, who became an important executive of the CMA and the CSP, he also passed through the ranks of the Malian National Guard. After the signing of the 2015 peace agreement, Hassane Ag Fagaga was appointed, in 2017, president of the Kidal Regional Interim Authority. His death constitutes a heavy loss, military, but also symbolic, for the CSP rebels. In a press release released this Friday, the Malian army mentioned “ surgical strikes » in Tinzaouatène, during which “ several terrorists were neutralized and a large quantity of rolling stock destroyed “.

Read alsoMali: bloody attack by Jnim in the symbolic village of Farabougou
