Jimmie Åkesson’s summer speech – direct from Sölvesborg

Jimmie Åkesson began his summer speech with a selfie.

– Welcome to fantastic Sölvesborg, he says to the audience.

He complained about the government of the city of Bleking, which during his last summer speech was spelled Sweden Democrats.

– The moderates, locally, have chosen to cooperate with the Social Democrats, for slightly different reasons. Often it is about which positions you can get, how fat the fees you can get. I think it’s tragic, says Jimmie Åkesson.

“These are serious times”

He then went straight to what marked the summer of 2023 – the tense security situation in Sweden and the world.

– These are serious times. And what’s worse, there are a lot of people in our country who don’t understand it, he says from his podium.

In passing, he also mentioned last week’s big event at Harpsund, the meeting with Ukrainian President Zelensky.

– I like that dude, he says.

– There was a very broad discussion about everything possible, from military capability, military needs, willingness to fight, national pride and not least an upcoming reconstruction of a broken country.

Criticism of the Danish proposal

Migration policy characterized large parts of the speech. He cited the riots on Järvafältet as an example of a failed one.

– You don’t become Swedish because you move to Sweden. Some can be, one can be. But it initially requires that you want it. And that will is missing from far too many who have chosen to move here.

Unexpectedly, the Koran burnings come up and he criticizes Denmark, which on Friday presented a proposal to ban the public burning of holy scriptures.

– In Sweden, some politicians and thinkers are on the same dangerous, cowardly and creeping track.

It is believed that there is something to be gained by playing pranks on these fanatics, says Jimmie Åkesson.

He describes the whole thing as “naive”.

– If you think for a second, the vast majority probably understand that it will not be enough to ban the burning or setting fire to religious scriptures. If it’s not someone burning the Koran, it’s someone drawing a stick figure and calling it Muhammad.

Similar to the Tidö agreement with silver tape

It has almost been a year since last year’s election. And Jimmie Åkesson says that he understands that the voters and the Swedish people are frustrated that “nothing is happening”.

– It’s frustrating for me too, I myself live with constant frustration.

What has been torn down over decades must be rebuilt.

Jimmie Åkesson ends his speech by looking ahead.

– Before the election in 2026, we Sweden Democrats will take up the fight against the socialists to become Sweden’s largest party and after the next election we will either be a government party or an opposition party, he says.

He also takes the opportunity to compare the Tidö Agreement with silver tape.

– It works great, temporarily, to solve a temporary problem. But silver tape is not the optimal solution for long-term repair of a broken canoe, bicycle or parasol. And it is definitely not enough to save and rebuild a broken country.
