Jimmie Åkesson wants SD to become the new school party

Here is Jimmie Åkesson’s play.
In a debate article on Aftonbladet, the SD leader writes that students who do not know Swedish well enough should be allowed to leave in a year – or work harder.
“Through clarity and straight, honest demands, my party will become Sweden’s new school party,” he writes.

The school has been hit hard by immigration. This is what Jimmie Åkesson, party leader of the Sweden Democrats, writes in a debate article on The evening paper.

He believes that many students do not speak Swedish well enough and now Åkesson wants the Sweden Democrats to become the new school party.

“It leads to the rate of study being hampered for other students as well. Those who master the language should not have to suffer because others have not learned Swedish. Those who fall behind have to retake a class, or simply work harder.” he writes.

Want to ban “Islamic garments”

Jimmie Åkesson writes in the debate article that the party must broaden its policy if voters are to continue to trust them. Now members of the Riksdag are working to bring forward proposals that are outside the usual issues such as legal policy and migration.

The SD leader also wants to ban “Islamic garments” in school.

“Then, for example, we can’t have teachers wearing Islamic garments such as the veil, burka and niqab, when we know that such garments stand for a stale oppression of women that has no place in our part of the world,” writes Åkesson.
