JetRacer, Franky Zapata’s incredible flying car that flies at 250 km/h

JetRacer Franky Zapatas incredible flying car that flies at 250

After the Flyboard Air hoverboard with which he had crossed the English Channel, the French inventor Franky Zapata unveiled a vertical take-off and landing aircraft equipped with 10 micro turbojets.

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Three years ago, Franky Zapata impressed the whole world at the controls of his flying surfboard, the Flyboard Airwith which he had succeeded Channel crossing. A few weeks earlier, he had already known the consecration by participating with his incredible machine in the July 14 parade on the Champs Elysees. This creator with unlimited imagination is embarking on an equally spectacular new adventure called JetRacer. This is an adav (aircraft with vertical take-off and landing) which we simplify a little quickly by speaking of flying car.

To simplify, we can say that the JetRacer looks like a streamlined and open bucket seat, mounted on a tubular frame with four arms at the ends of which are installed microphones turbojets. There are ten in all, powered by kerosene. This is the same propulsion system as the Flyboard Air.

Franky Zapata made the video demonstration above where he can be seen flying over the Etang de Berre and performing acrobatic tricks. The JetRacer seems very maneuverable and agile. In his fact sheet, Zapata explains that he is aiming for a speed maximum of 250 km / h and an ability to reach an altitude of 3,000 meters, “at the cost of a relatively low autonomy” which is not specified.

Civilian and military use

The aircraft is designed with several redundancy systems and can withstand the loss of two engines “without consequence on the flight”. Regarding its use, Zapata intends it for aerial demonstrations, recreational use, or for civil security and apps military (reconnaissance and surveillance, rapid access to areas, etc.).

To extend the development of its JetRacer, Zapata is organizing a trial campaign in the United States open to the general public. A hundred people will be drawn by lot to take part in selection tests at the end of which 25 candidates will be selected.

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