Jérémy Ferrari opens up about his suicide attempt

Jeremy Ferrari opens up about his suicide attempt

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    Last Saturday, Jérémy Ferrari confided in his alcoholism problems which plunged him into a deep depression.

    It’s on the set of the show “Quelle époque!” – hosted by Léa Salamé and Christophe Dechavanne – that the comedian returned to his addiction to alcohol. This addiction, characterized by the compulsive need to drink alcohol, kills 49,000 French people every year. In 40% of cases, the patient’s death occurs before the age of 65. A dangerous addiction, which Jérémy Ferrari got rid of.

    A problem with alcohol

    When he came on the set to present his last show (General Anesthesia), the director opened up in complete transparency about the obsessive-compulsive and ideative disorders he suffers from.

    I always felt that I had a problem with alcohol, when I didn’t drink for the week, it was because I was holding myself back from drinking. I really wanted to drink all the time”, he confided, before specifying: “The anxieties became more and more important and one day, you get up one morning and you are unable to function..”

    An escalation that almost cost him his life

    An addiction to alcohol that will eventually give him dark thoughts.

    I started to put a little whiskey in my coffee then one thing leading to another I started drinking all day from morning to evening, until I finally attempted suicide.“.

    Today sober for several years, the actor specifies that he will remain dependent “all his life”. According to him, it would indeed be impossible to treat the famous “reward zone” located in the brain and which makes it easily addicted.

    To compensate, the comedian says he replaced the drink with sport.

    The management of a person with addictive disorders related to alcohol is based on the combination of drug treatment (even if the therapeutic arsenal remains limited), individual and collective psychological monitoring as well as social support.
