Jens Stoltenberg has piloted NATO for almost ten years – now he tells EPN how the Russian attack changed the defense alliance

Jens Stoltenberg has piloted NATO for almost ten years

BRUSSELS interviewed the general secretary Jens Stoltenberg At the NATO headquarters, fresh after the NATO Summit held in Vilnius. Stoltenberg is apparently satisfied with the outcome of the summit, described as historic.

– We accepted the most detailed and ambitious defense plans for NATO since the Cold War and committed to invest more in defense. We also decided to increase our support for Ukraine and to bring Ukraine closer to NATO on the way to full NATO membership.

There was a broad consensus on defense plans and defense budgets even before the summit.

– On the other hand, there was more uncertainty about how far we would be willing to go regarding Ukraine’s NATO membership, Stoltenberg says.

At the summit, it was finally decided to invite Ukraine to become a member of NATO when Ukraine fulfills the conditions set for it and the member countries are unanimous on the matter.

The leaders of the NATO countries also decided to pave the way for Ukraine to NATO by removing the formalities related to the pre-assessment of membership.

Sweden can rest easy

Turkey’s announcement on the acceptance of Sweden’s NATO membership is also counted among the successes of the summit.

President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdoğan announced on the eve of the summit that Turkey would accept Sweden’s accession protocols as quickly as possible.

The possible prolongation of the Turkish parliament’s proceedings into the fall has raised concerns about whether new pitfalls may appear on Sweden’s NATO path. According to Stoltenberg, Sweden can be confident.

– As far as Turkey is concerned, it is quite clear that they will ratify Sweden’s membership. President Erdoğan made it clear that he will give the accession protocols to the parliament and promote ratification. He has also clearly said the prime minister For Ulf Kristersson and to me to do it as quickly as possible.

The US needs its partners

The Vilnius summit also sent a clear message that NATO is united and that the defense alliance has the unwavering support of the United States.

The president who spoke at the University of Vilnius Joe Biden emphasized NATO’s unity and US support for the defense alliance.

However, the presidential elections to be held in the autumn of next year may change the attitude of the United States towards defense cooperation. Biden’s predecessor Donald Trump’s The comments belittling NATO are still fresh in the memory.

– I trust that NATO has strong cross-political support in the United States, Stoltenberg says.

Stoltenberg admits that it is impossible to predict in advance who Europeans or North Americans will choose as their political leaders.

– However, NATO’s strength has been that we have remained united regardless of the leaders of the member countries. Our common safety-related goals speak for it.

According to Stoltenberg, the importance of international partners is emphasized as China strengthens its geopolitical influence.

– The United States benefits from the fact that they have more than thirty friends and allies in NATO. The United States’ concern about China’s role further emphasizes the importance of a strong NATO. That’s why I trust that the United States will honor the commitments it made to NATO.

Ukraine has been at war with Russia since the annexation of Crimea in 2014. However, the war, which continued with low intensity, did not significantly affect the relations between Russia and the West.

The full-scale attack, which has been going on for a year and a half, has in turn frozen the relations between the West and Russia, and brought with it a movement of posture in NATO as well.

– It has reminded all member countries of the importance of NATO, says Stoltenberg.

NATO’s recent statistics show that member countries’ defense spending began to rise sharply in 2022. In Vilnius, member countries committed to spending at least two percent of their gross national products on defense.

Military aid worth tens of billions has also flowed into Ukraine, despite the fact that NATO, as a defense alliance, is not a party to the war between Russia and Ukraine.

Ukraine pays the highest price

And how does Stoltenberg assess Ukraine’s counter-offensive that started in the spring and the importance of the arms aid given by NATO countries to Ukraine?

– Without the support of NATO member states, the counterattack would not have been possible, Stoltenberg replies.

According to him, the modern defense equipment provided by the Allies, such as battle tanks and anti-aircraft systems, had a decisive effect on the course of the war. However, the greatest credit goes to the Defense Forces of Ukraine.

– Ukrainian soldiers pay the highest price for the war. It is thanks to their courage and determination that Ukraine has been victorious.

Stoltenberg emphasizes that the counterattack is a long-term operation in which Ukraine has succeeded in regaining its territories near Kyiv, in the Kherson region and in Kharkiv.

– This practically means that Ukraine succeeds in taking over territories. However, the counterattack is progressing somewhat slower than they would have hoped, which the Ukrainians themselves have also admitted.

According to Stoltenberg, the events on the front against Russia are proof that war is unpredictable.

– We also see that the Ukrainians are facing strong resistance from Russian-made mined defense lines and weapon systems that are difficult to attack.

The general secretary’s term continues

In the week before the Vilnius summit, it was decided to extend by one year through the Norwegian Stoltenberg. In the fall of 2024, he has served as NATO’s Secretary General for ten years.

– It is an honor to serve as the Secretary General of NATO. This is especially important at a time when the biggest war since the Second World War is going on in Europe, says Stoltenberg.

Three new member countries have joined NATO during Stoltenberg’s term as Secretary General, the latest being Finland, which participated in the Vilnius Summit as a full member of NATO.

– Membership strengthens NATO, the Nordic countries, and it is also important for Finland, says Stoltenberg.

Finland’s NATO membership is also a testament to the president Vladimir Putin about the mistake he made, the Secretary General continues.

– When he goes to war in Ukraine, he hopes to get less NATO. The end result is a stronger defense alliance with more members.

What thoughts did the interview evoke in you? You can discuss the topic until Sunday, July 16 at 11 p.m.
