Jennifer’s stalker appears everywhere: “Affects the whole psyche”

For the past six months, a strange man has been stalking “Jennifer”. She has no idea why he does it, but it affects her whole life.

Now she doesn’t move outside more than absolutely necessary. On a couple of occasions there has been a tug on her door at night.

– I can’t concentrate, I can’t sleep properly, it affects my relationships, it affects my appetite, it affects the whole psyche. You become desperate to be free from this, says “Jennifer”, whose real name is something else.

507 notifications last year

In 2011, the law on unlawful persecution, also known as stalking, was introduced. Last year, 507 reports of unlawful persecution were made, which is the lowest full-year number since the criminal classification was introduced. Each year around 100 people are sentenced for the crime.

But according to Susanne Strand, docent in criminology at Örebro University and one of Sweden’s leading experts on the subject, the dark story is large.

– It is reasonable to believe that it follows how it looks in other countries. Then it is approximately 10-15 percent of the population who have at some point been subjected to stalking, she says.

Would have liked more help

“Jennifer” has been in contact with the police, social services and women’s shelter but does not think she has received the help she needs. She feels that she is expected to take care of the situation on her own.

According to Susanne Strand, it is precisely the fact that “Jennifer” is being stalked by a stranger that makes her fall through the cracks.

– If you are exposed by someone you know or a stranger, you do not have the same conditions to get help as if you are exposed by someone in a close relationship. That’s how it is, she says.

Susanne Strand is calling for a special reception where those affected can turn. Something that exists in other countries, for example Denmark. She believes that such a stalking center can be a way to gather expertise in the area, both to train authorities and respond to those affected.
