Jegou-Auradou case: “A piece of meat” the chilling testimony of the complainant before the players’ return to France

Jegou Auradou case A piece of meat the chilling testimony of

Accused of rape, Oscar Jegou and Hugo Auradou are back in France but still facing charges.

Oscar Jegou and Hugo Auradou are back in France. They were authorized by the Argentine justice system to leave the country and return to France despite their indictment for aggravated rape on Tuesday, September 3. The spokesperson for the Mendoza justice system nevertheless recalled that the green light given to the players’ return to France by the prosecution is accompanied by “rules”, including “reporting if they are summoned to the Argentine consulate in France”, reporting virtually “as often as required”, or even returning “reporting to Mendoza (1000km from Buenos Aires) if requested to do so”.

On the same day, the complainant gave testimony on “Envoyé spécial” on France 2. “They brutalized me and treated me like a piece of meat,” she explained. “He grabbed my neck. He put me on the bed. He undressed me like a brute. He pulled me out of bed while I was naked and he lifted me by the neck, to the point where I had no more oxygen. I tried to react by slapping him. Instead of stopping him, this slap encouraged him to continue.”

In a press release, the FFR expressed its satisfaction with the return of the players to France. “The French Rugby Federation welcomes with satisfaction the decision of the Argentinian prosecutor’s office authorizing the return to France, to their loved ones and their clubs, of its two international players Hugo Auradou and Oscar Jegou”, As it has expressed since the first day, the French Rugby Federation wanted to listen to the complainant, but also to constantly recall the presumption of innocence of the two players who have always proclaimed their innocence, while trusting the Argentinian justice system. Today’s decision is a new step towards the judicial truth of the facts” it indicates.

A few days ago, the complainant did not show up for the psychological tests that were to conclude the investigation, her lawyer announced to the Argentine media that her client had attempted suicide on Friday morning. Initially, she had stated that her client “did not feel in condition”, before giving more details yesterday. The complainant is currently “assisted by psychiatrists from the public hospitalaccording to her lawyer, and “in a distressed emotional state.” She also indicated that her client would not be able to attend the hearing scheduled for Tuesday, August 27.

The dismissal has not yet been confirmed

The lawyers for the two rugby players continue to plead for a dismissal of the case. Indeed, the elements revealed in particular in the Argentinian press in recent weeks have seemed to qualify the plaintiff’s version. The latest, the testimony of the woman who shared the taxi with the plaintiff and Hugo Auradou. One of the lawyers for the accused stated that the witness had seen the victim and the rugby player “kissing during the entire journey, laughing and smiling, like a normal couple.” With this referral to France, the lawyers are more than confident. “Since the beginning, the prosecution, which has access to all the elements of the investigation and which truly knows what this investigation has produced – it has produced the mark of the innocence of these two players – first authorized, a month ago, the release in Argentina,” the lawyer rewinds on the BFMTV set. Other acts had to be accomplished. “They were accomplished,” he recalls. “They all returned to charges, like all the acts of the investigation. Today, they are allowed to return to France. In a few days, there will be a decision to drop the charges.”

Audio messages that challenge the victim’s version?

An investigation therefore conducted in a tense climate. Crucial pieces brought to the case were leaked to the press. These are audio messages from the complainant to a friend in the hours following the alleged rape. The Argentinian newspaper The Nation revealed the content of one of these messages: “You don’t know how cute this Frenchman was, the biggest, the kid was terrible.” The Argentinian site Clarin even reveals much more explicit messages from the complainant: “I met a French rugby player. The guy is really tall. So handsome, so handsome. I came home at 9 o’clock in the morning. At 9 o’clock! I owe you everything, you encouraged me not to stay here at home, always the same story. When I go out, I take advantage of it. He broke me, he broke me. He broke me, the guy. I have marks on my back, my jaw.”

Rafael Cuneo Libarona, the lawyer for the two players, said on August 6 that “the innocence of the two players has been proven.” He has requested their release and is confident that they will return to France quickly. He believes that there are “notorious contradictions” in the testimony of the 39-year-old woman.

For her part, Natacha Romano, the plaintiff’s lawyer, denounced “manipulation” and a “premeditated act” after the voice messages were released to the Argentine press. “There are 23 voice messages in total and only four or five have been released, in disorder and completely taken out of context,” she said in an interview with ParisianShe also said that the players were “never able to answer whether they had asked the victim whether she agreed or not.”

“Clear evidence” of rape for victim’s family

At the same time, the complainant sticks to her guns. “When you analyze all this in detail, the only strategy of the defendants’ lawyers is to lie and sow doubts,” her brother said, when questioned by The Parisian. According to him, “there is evidence that there was a non-consensual act, a rape, starting with the number of injuries (fifteen) noted by the medical examiner on the day the complaint was filed. She said no. The evidence is clear. We are afraid that justice will not be served, that political pressure will influence the prosecutor in charge of the case (Darío Nora), who has a reputation for being tough,” he said.

Under Argentine law, sexual violence can include acts ranging from sexual assault to aggravated rape, which could be punishable by up to 20 years in prison.

Facts which allegedly took place after a France XV match

Accused of sexually assaulting a woman on the night of Saturday, July 6, 2024, in Mendoza, on the sidelines of the South American tour of the French XV and after a large victory against Argentina, Hugo Auradou and Oscar Jégou were arrested in Buenos Aires on July 8, from where the team was due to fly to Uruguay for a new confrontation.

“He grabs her, throws her, starts undressing her and starts hitting her.”

The plaintiff’s lawyer revealed her client’s story to the press. And it is particularly damning. The victim allegedly suffered “terrible violence,” according to Natacha Romano, who spoke to AFP on Wednesday, July 10. “Gender-based violence is extremely serious, the degradation is extreme (…). The violence here was terrible,” she said.

“It would be a seriously atrocious sexual abuse, with sexual intercourse, with the participation of two people, with violence, for both of them,” the lawyer continues. She specifies the sequence of the alleged events, indicating that her client returned to the hotel with one of the players, “identified as Hugo”. “He immediately grabs her, throws her on the bed, begins to undress her and begins to savagely hit her with a punch, the bruise of which is visible on the victim’s face. He suffocates her, to the point that she feels like she is leaving,” she continues.

The lawyer claims that Oscar Jegou, who arrived an hour later in the room, committed “the same acts of violence and sexual abuse”. “Then, this individual goes to take a bath, and Hugo continues to use her, giving her various blows. That is to say, she [a des traces] bites, scratches, blows to the breasts, legs and ribs marked in the back”, details the lawyer, who also claims that the victim tried to escape “at least five times”, in vain.

A contested version

“Witnesses saw her go out [de l’hôtel]the cameras saw her come out, there are no traces of blows, apparently, according to the recordings. She claims to have been beaten, the cameras say that she was not,” explains the players’ lawyer. Hugo Auradou and Oscar Jégou affirm that the relationship was consensual according to the latter.

According to Mendoza Attorney General Daniela Chaler, “the deposition [de la plaignante] was quite long, complete, detailed and corresponded, for the time being, to the forensic conclusions.” “The injuries are compatible with the victim’s story, but not necessarily exclusively from a sexual assault,” she added.
