Jeffrey Epstein – now the secret names are revealed

Jeffrey Epstein now the secret names are revealed

Protagonist himself is already dead.

But now the occasional high-flyer is surely trembling.

Now the names of everyone around the convicted pedophile financier and billionaire Jeffrey Epstein can be revealed.

Among them a former president, a prince, actors and many more, both famous and unknown.

Quick version

  • The names of those involved in convicted pedophile billionaire Jeffrey Epstein’s circle will be made public after January 1.
  • Among the hidden names are both victims, witnesses and former employees of Epstein.
  • Former President Bill Clinton, described as “John Doe 36,” is often named but not charged with a crime, despite Giuffre’s claims that he met with Clinton on Epstein’s island.
  • ⓘ The summary is made with the support of AI tools from OpenAI and quality assured by Aftonbladet. Read our AI policy here.

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    Just over four years ago, the once popular billionaire and businessman Jeffrey Epstein hanged himself in his cell in a concrete bunker in New York.

    He was detained on suspicion of sexual abuse and trafficking against several underage girls and risked being sentenced to 45 years in prison.

    He instead chose to take his own life, apparently quite confused in the last days of his life.

    full screen Jeffrey Epstein was found dead in his cell in the Manhattan detention center. Photo: Mary Altaffer / AP

    Secret until now

    But his friend and accomplice, the former British socialite, businesswoman Ghislaine Maxwell, who was the one who supplied him with young teenage girls, whom he then assaulted, was sentenced in 2021 to 20 years in prison for, among other things, trafficking.

    One of Epstein and Maxwell’s underage victims, Virginia Giuffre, sued Ghislaine Maxwell for defamation in 2015 – two years later, the parties settled out of court, when Maxwell walked free.

    It is from the old defamation process that the names come.

    Until now, they have been secret, according to court orders. Both the victim and everyone else named have only been referred to as “J. Doe” – as in John or Jane Doe, meaning they have been anonymous.

    full screenFrom the trial of Ghislaine Maxwell. Photo: Elizabeth Williams/AP

    full screen Financier and billionaire Jeffrey Epstein. Photo: AP

    Can be embarrassing

    But this December, US District Judge Loretta Preska decided that the names should be made public after January 1.

    187 times in the investigation the name “J. Doe” – and some people who at that time appeared in the circle around Epstein and Maxwell seem to tremble a little at the risk of being exposed.

    Just the fact that the extent to which they were actually hanging out with Jeffrey Epstein at the time is coming to light is embarrassing.

    Among the names are according to BBC those accused of crimes, those who accuse – and those who have been witnesses.

    Many of the names are already known, they are associates and employees of Epstein and Maxwell and people who flew in his private aircraft.

    Victims and witnesses

    Many “Jane Doe” are Epstein’s young female victims who were taken to his various homes, including a mansion in New York, his estate in Palm Beach, Florida, to his private island in the US Virgin Islands, Little St. James Island, or his ranch outside Santa Fe in Mexico.

    According to ABC News is, for example, “Jane Doe 162” a 17-year-old girl who testified that she was 17 years old when she was at Epstein’s mansion in New York together with Virginia Giuffre, Prince Andrew and Ghislaine Maxwell.

    That the already publicly harassed Prince Andrew is one of all the “John Doe” is no secret, but the underage girls who were victims will remain anonymous.

    full screen One of the more than 4,000-page document that AP gained access to in June 2023. Only now will the names be revealed. Photo: AP

    Bill Clinton denies

    According to ANC News, another “John Doe” is the former president Bill Clinton and appears at least 50 times in the investigation. He is called “John Doe 36”.

    Virginia Giuffre never accused him of anything, but says she met Clinton on Epstein’s island — where the former president has previously denied he was.

    However, the flight logs of Epstein’s pilots show that in the years after he left the presidency in 2001, Clinton regularly flew the plane to Paris, Bangkok and Brunei, according to The Guardian.

    Bill Clinton has previously said that he severed all ties with Jeffrey Epstein in connection with the first pedophile allegations in 2005.
