JeanLouis Tripp, life in the face of mourning

JeanLouis Tripp life in the face of mourning

Through the memory of his brother Gilles, who died too soon in a road accident, JeanLouis Tripp tells the story of a moving family history. “The little brother” is published by Casterman editions.

It took 45 years for JeanLouis Tripp. 45 years to tell the unspeakable. The accident, the ambulance, the hospital, the gendarmes. And then the announcement of death, the expectation of the arrival of loved ones, the funeral wake, the burial. Then the mourning, the investigation, the trial, but also the memory, the difficulty of continuing to live after the loss, the impossibility of turning the page, and the need to come back to it 45 years later.

On more than 300 pages, JeanLouis Tripp tells how he and his family lived and continue to live and relive this event of August 5, 1976, when under the Breton dodger, a driver took away the life of Gilles, his 11-year-old little brother. A thrilling, precise and moving story.

Above all, a universal story. ” The little brother is published by Casterman editions.

Rebroadcast of the program from Thursday, May 12
