Jean Ziegler – In G major

Jean Ziegler In G major

It will talk strangely in the radio set for almost an hour. With a head, a face, a big mouth of an alter-globalist, moralist, sociologist and former special rapporteur to the UN on the question of the right to food in the world.Replay of 26/06/2018

This blocker of capitalizing in circles today emphasizes the cannibal Order of the world. Capitalism explained to my granddaughter is the last pebble in the shoe of those who walk towards always having more. A Swiss accent in the chair of En Sol Majeur which protests against global looting (who hasn’t read Switzerland washes whiter ?) and who will have dragged his soul as much in the courts where he appears for multiple trials (in relation to his pamphlets) as in the savannahs of the Congo or the Brazilian sertão. Like what there is, on one side, the little Swiss and on the other, there is John Ziegler.

The musical choices of Jean Ziegler

Bernard Romanens The Ranz of the Cows

Maria Bethania As Canções Que Voce Fez Pra Mim

Beethoven Appassionata
