Jean-Pierre Andréani and Philippe Bertin, Rabelais the appetite for words

Jean Pierre Andreani and Philippe Bertin Rabelais the appetite for words

There is the language of Molière, there is also that of Rabelais. On the stage of the Essay Theater, Philippe Sabers (pseudonym of Philippe Bertin) accompanied by Jean-Pierre Andréani imagined a comedy around the life and work of the author of Gargantua.

We first know François Rabelais by his characters. Gargantua, his father Grandgousier and his mother Gargamelle, daughter of the king of the Parpaillons, his son Pantagruel, the shepherd Panurge and his famous sheep.

Its many expressions have also contributed to its notoriety. He brought to the French language maxims such as “la dive Bouteille”, “une guerre picrocholine” or “la substantive moëlle”.

But who was really this inventor of words, this scholar, this humanist who dared to slay stupidity and hypocrisy in his writings, to shake up taboos and make fun of them?

This is what makes us discover a colorful show, written by Philippe Sabers and Jean-Pierre Andréani, played by a duo of amazing actors Philippe Bertin and Michel Laliberté, on the stage of the Essayon ​​Theater in Paris.

“François Rabelais, portrait of a man who has not often slept peacefully”, it is at the Théâtre Essaion until April 4, 2022.

Report : Alice Campaignolle presents a documentary film shot in the high mountains which has been much talked about in poetry. A tribute to slowness at a time when the fashion for mountain cinema is performance. The film follows two humble and discreet Bolivian mountain guides who tackle a particularly difficult summit.
