Jean-Luc Mélenchon prepares his weapons

Jean Luc Melenchon prepares his weapons

Jean-Luc Mélenchon will say this Thursday evening in Marseille whether or not he stands for the French legislative elections in June. Whatever his choice, he is preparing to launch the electoral campaign on the ground. Imposing cohabitation on Emmanuel Macron? Jean-Luc Mélenchon wants to believe it.

This time it’s different. ” Our voters do not feel defeated like in 2017 “says Jean-Luc Mélenchon. After spending a electoral agreement with socialists, ecologists and communists, the People’s Union candidate for the presidential election thinks that his momentum will not fall. In 2017, he lost 4.5 million votes between the first round of presidential elections and the first round of legislative elections.

On April 10, Jean-Luc Mélenchon came out on top in 105 constituencies. Very insufficient to have a majority in the National Assembly. But the Insoumis leader and his troops have counted the number of duels that could oppose the candidates of the New Popular, Ecological and Social Union (Nupes) and those of the outgoing presidential majority: there are 425. What to hope for. Even if the exercise which consists in anticipating the scores of the legislative elections based on those of the first round of the presidential election has always had its limits.


The Union of Left Parties? Jean-Luc Mélenchon thinks that she ” clarifies the political landscape for voters. However, the first cracks are appearing in some constituencies. Tensions are high, especially with the Communist Party. In the constituency of Vénissieux, in the Lyon suburbs, attributed to LFI, the PCF’s attempt to impose its candidate thus annoyed within La France insoumise. ” An agreement has been signed, it must be respected “Judges an Insoumis executive.

Despite these frictions, the nominations will be completed next week. Whether or not he represents himself in Marseille, Jean-Luc Mélenchon will campaign to support his candidates. He intends to visit as many constituencies as possible, particularly in the Southwest.

“The second round did not settle everything”

In front of the candidates invested by the presidential majority on Tuesday evening, Emmanuel Macron urged his troops “ not to be intimidated by those who would like to replay in the legislative elections what was decided in the presidential election “. In doing so, he designated Jean-Luc Mélenchon as his number one opponent for these legislative elections. The interested party rubs his hands: Emmanuel Macron realizes that the second round did not settle everything. The Head of State had not anticipated falling on a bone like me! »

So he Prime Minister? A way to mark the spirits, but more than a slogan, to listen to it. ” I put myself in the situation of becoming “says the leader of the Insoumis. His first steps if he arrives at Matignon? A social package: the increase of the Smic to 1400 euros net, the revision of the grid of minimum salaries or even the fixing of a gap of 1 to 20 between the lowest and highest salaries. As always, Jean-Luc Mélenchon refuses to believe in the polls and dreams again of slipping into a mouse hole. What he has never managed to do so far.

To listen also: Decryption – How was LFI able to establish itself as the first force on the left?
