Jean-Luc Mélenchon maintains ambiguity about his political future

Jean Luc Melenchon maintains ambiguity about his political future

He had been discreet for weeks, while his movement, La France insoumise, was in turmoil between governance crisis and Adrien Quatennens affair. But Jean-Luc Mélenchon is back. In a long interview on France 2, from Guyana, the LFI leader, who came third in the last presidential election, brushed aside the major issues of the moment and maintained the ambiguity about his own political future.

Me, well, I’m already retired, that’s not the point anymore! »

Jean-Luc Mélenchon retired? The boss of the Insoumis may affirm his distance from the front of the political scene – “ I am replaceable and I wish it –, when the question of the 2027 presidential election is posed to him, the vagueness is back.

It is the circumstances that make the candidacies, everyone knows that. What will happen in 2027? Circumstances will allow someone to be designated.

Because the disorder that reigns within La France insoumise annoys Jean-Luc Mélenchon. ” I think, he said, that it would be better for them to stay united, that it’s not a good idea to denigrate the movement, but the same people can’t have everything all the time! »

And this hour and a half of interview allows him to remember who is the “alpha male” of the rebellious “pack”.

On pensions: There is no problem of financing the pension system, it is false. On his political rivals: A table or a chair would be elected in front of Mrs. Le Pen. »

But to also discuss his vision of the future, between ecology, space, social struggles, foreign affairs… The triple presidential candidate still masters the subjects at his fingertips.

A show of force and a message sent to those who are prancing to succeed him. Replaceable perhaps, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, but there will be work to overcome him.

On the Quatennens case

Jean-Luc Mélenchon spoke about the return of Adrien Quatennens to the National Assembly. After more than three months of absence and a four-month suspended prison sentence for domestic violence, the rebellious deputy indeed returned discreetly this week to the Bourbon palace, while remaining suspended from his group until spring.

It is necessary to fight, and it was in my program, the violences. Second, when someone does not comply with this, he must be punished. Adrien Quatennens was punished for a long time and a lot. And not just him, us. Because we, for five months, we can’t do an interview, not have a meeting without being obliged to talk about this subject.

Quatennens case: Jean-Luc Mélenchon comments on the latest developments
