Jean-Luc Mélenchon campaigning in Lyon, between Ukraine and purchasing power

Jean Luc Melenchon campaigning in Lyon between Ukraine and purchasing power

Attacked both by the majority and by the left in recent days for his past ambiguities vis-à-vis Russia, the candidate of the Popular Union chose to respond this Sunday, March 6 in Lyon during a meeting “of the peace “. But the Insoumis candidate has not forgotten the other major subject of the electoral campaign, purchasing power.

With our special correspondent in Lyon, Aurelien Devernoix

Stop the war! Down with the army invading Ukraine! »

Repeating again and again his hostility to Vladimir Putin’s war to ward off the poison of doubt that his rivals harbor. But no question either for Jean-Luc Mélenchon to deny his convictions

The way of thinking about international relations must be rethought with the concern of not accepting a world order in which there would be NATO and on the other a Russian-Chinese bloc. »

Faced with a crowd of great days in Lyon, the candidate of the Popular Union defends his theory of non-alignment.

We must reopen the international discussion for the nuclear disarmament of the world. I suggest you remember that non-aligned does not mean neutral. The proof: I am non-aligned today and I am fighting the invasion of Ukraine by Russia. We are not neutral, we are committed

A reasoning of non-alignment which is favored by Patrick, a Mélenchonist activist: “ It is a dimension of France. The French republic, the French revolution, it is this discourse that must be carried. »

If the geopolitics course on Ukraine elicits polite approval, the cheers are much louder when Jean-Luc Mélenchon talks about purchasing power: “ In 36 days if you want it, there will be a decree which will decide on the blocking of prices. »

An equation that Sonia summarizes at the end of the speech: “ Me, I first look at what’s on my plate and how to live. »

The entourage of Jean-Luc Mélenchon is convinced of this: it is of course on the economic concerns of the French that access to the second round of the presidential election will be played.

Read also: On Ukraine, the war of words on the left
