Jean Lassalle re-elected to the legislative elections after two years of absence? What results on June 30 and July 7?

Jean Lassalle re elected to the legislative elections after two years

After two years of absence, Jean Lassalle is again a candidate in the fourth constituency of Pyrénées-Atlantiques. What are his chances of being elected?

Jean Lassalle is running in the fourth constituency of Pyrénées-Atlantiques, around Oloron-Sainte-Marie, Cambo-les-Bains and Hasparren, for the early legislative elections, under the banner of his party Résistons!. He was a deputy there for twenty years, between 2002 and 2022, but decided not to run again two years ago following “medical imperatives”. Mayor of Lourdios-Ichère for 40 years, Jean Lassalle is well anchored in the department.

The former MP then appeared confident at the microphone of France Bleu Béarn Bigorre. Asked what he would do if he did not advance to the second round of the legislative elections, he replied that he “would be extremely surprised”. “Why would I show up to tell you before the first round who I am going to vote for in the second?”, he added. He also returned to what had prevented him from applying in 2022: “I experienced two years of great sadness, first for me, I broke five vertebrae which had never happened, and then for the evolution that I saw in the country”.

On June 30, the double presidential candidate will be opposed to the outgoing socialist deputy, Inaki Echaniz, who will represent the New Popular Front. Also on the list are Gracianne Bec Mirande (Basque Nationalist Party), Beñat Cachenaut (Les Républicains), Sylviane Lopez (National Rally) and Carlos Ribeiro (Workers’ Struggle). The majority does not present a candidate in this constituency.​​​​​

What results for Jean Lassalle in the legislative elections?

Does Jean Lassalle have a chance of regaining his seat in the National Assembly? During the European elections on June 9, the Rural Alliance he led obtained 15.76% in the constituency, a good score compared to 2.35% nationally. The RN took the lead with 24.14%. A result which can lead to optimism for the Let’s Resist! candidate. However, in 2022, the former deputy had left his place to his brother, Julien Lassalle, who was beaten in the first round. Inaki Echaniz won the election against the candidate of the presidential party in the second round, tilting to the left a constituency anchored to the right and the center for 35 years.

Furthermore, during the 2017 legislative elections, under the Résistons banner, Jean Lassalle collected 17.71% of the votes in the first round, placing him in second position but he finally ran for the position with 52.79% in the second round. In 2012, he had a better score in the first round with 26.28% but the second round was closer with 50.98%, he then ran with the MoDem.

According to a survey Ipsos for France Bleu published Saturday June 22, on a national scale, the RN and its allies are credited with 35.5% of voting intentions against 29.5% for the New Popular Front and 19.5% for the presidential majority. The various right camp where Let’s Resist! is only credited with 1.5% of voting intentions. These estimates remain national, and do not give the local political balance of power.
