Jaw fracture: duration, what are the after-effects?

Jaw fracture duration what are the after effects

The captain of the French rugby team Antoine Dupont suffers from a broken jaw. He had surgery for this trauma. How long does it take to heal?

[Mise à jour le 25 septembre 2023 à 10h12] Anthony Dupont its fractured jaw during the match against Namibia on September 21, 2023, from which the French emerged victorious. The captain of the Xv of France was operated on Friday September 22 in Toulouse. According to sources close to the Blues, the intervention at CHU Purpan went well. Dupont suffered osteosynthesis: two plates were placed on [son] face” has indicated The Parisian. “Sources close to the XV of France speak of a resumption of training in ten days. And the captain of the Blues could even return to competition within three or four weeks, according to these sources, […] this would fix in the quarter-final the date of Dupont’s return among his Blues can we read in the article in Le Parisien. THE XV of France will face Italy on October 6.

Playing rugby is a risk factor for maxillofacial trauma.Maxillofacial trauma constitutes 15 to 20% of all traumas. recalls the French Society of Emergency Medicine (SFMU). How repair a broken jaw? What is the healing time ? The risks of complications and after-effects ?

What is a jaw fracture?

A jaw fracture occurs when the jaw suffers trauma and it breaks (blow, impact, accident, etc.). It includes the upper bone (maxilla) and the lower bone (mandible).

Jaw diagram © sante-medecine.net-JDFsanté

What are the symptoms of jaw fracture?

In general, the fracture manifests itself as a sharp and constant pain which increases when you press on the suspect area. The fracture of the jaw thus results in a pain on palpation, difficulty opening and closing your mouthchewing, sometimes bleeding from the gum and swelling of the cheek with edema. Finally, facial asymmetries may be noted until treatment.

There palpation allows you to identify the fracture of the jaw, the diagnosis of which will be confirmed by examinations radiological (to scan). The doctor must also carry out a examination of the ear canal (otoscopy) to verify that it has not been affected, recommends the SFMU.

A fractured jaw requires surgical repair by operation under general anesthesia. Depending on the severity of the injury, the surgeon performs:

► Un inter maxillary blockage which consists of immobilizing the lower jaw by connecting it to the upper one by systems of arcs and steel wires or elastics.

► A osteosynthesis which designates the establishment of plates and screws to consolidate the jaw.

How long does a jaw fracture take to heal?

After the operation, a edema cheeks, bruises or hematomas as well as difficulty opening the mouth often occur. Of the mouthwashes are imperative to maintain good oral hygiene and prevent the risk of infection. “Team and combat sports are contraindicated for 3 to 4 months, necessary to obtain bone consolidation. The diet must be liquid, mixed then soft for 6 weeks” indicates Dr. Charles-Mathieu Bandini, surgeon specializing in maxillofacial surgery on his site. The patient will have to follow a re-education of the jaw with a physiotherapist. The stitches resolve on their own.

What are the risks of after-effects?

Like any operation, there is a risk of infection even if doctors know how to prevent it in advance. If the bone is poorly repositioned, the patient may be operated on again. We sometimes observe a decreased sensitivity of the chin. In the event of poor tolerance of the screws and plates, it will be possible to operate on the patient again to remove them but “obligatory after obtaining bone consolidation of the jaw, after 6 months post-operatively” specifies Dr. Bandini. In serious cases, the mandibular nerve can be damaged and impair the motor skills of part of the jaw muscles. THE chewing and swallowing functions may be impacted.
