Javelin thrower Toni Kuusela does not think he will be part of Finland’s European Championship team Sport

Javelin thrower Toni Kuusela does not think he will be

In Kuusela’s opinion, the GP races in Lahti did not provide sufficient evidence. The main goal of the season looms in Paris.

Bettina Törnvall,

Petra Manner

Oliver Helander with the exception of two other javelin men, they have not yet been named for the European Athletics Championships in Rome in two weeks.

One of the eligible athletes is Toni Kuusela, which broke the EC limit last season.

However, Kuusela’s starting points for the value competition summer are not the best. He had surgery on his ankle after last season and his biceps in January.

Kuusela raced 76.34 meters at the Lahti GP on Friday and was fifth in the competition.

– It was by no means javelin throw at its best. Throwing is pretty painful right now. I don’t think I’ll be chosen on that screen though. Of course, the situation can change at that stage if the call comes.

Due to the pains, Kuusela has not been able to make enough hard throws this season.

– Of course, competitions are developed. A lot was left behind from the Lahti race and now there is a new kind of motivation to move forward. I’m not going to stay in bed and cry, but I’m going to fight myself back and at the end of the summer I’ll show again.

The main goal of the season is clear.

– I have decided that I will participate in the Paris Olympics and we will go according to its terms. No matter what others think. It doesn’t make any sense for me to break myself at the European Championships.

Kuusela plans to focus on competition-like throwing exercises next. The earliest you will see him in the number plate race is at the Kalevan Games at the end of June.

– I can’t throw any top results at the moment. I only compete when I know I can throw far. Now I have to put on my overalls and go back to the gym.

The Finnish team will be completed on Wednesday

General manager of the Finnish Sports Confederation Jani Tanskanen will not comment on the situation of an individual athlete and the result of an individual competition at this stage. The EC competition team will be completed on Wednesday of next week.

– The first criterion of our selection system is eligibility. The ranking closes on May 26, and at that point it doesn’t matter if you’re in the ranking or the result limit has been exceeded. Of course, the results of this season will be decisive.

In addition to Helander and Kuusela, the EC limit has been exceeded Lassi Etelätalo. They have collected enough ranking points for themselves Topias Laine, Toni Keränen mixed Taneli Juutinen, which was fourth in the Lahti GP.
