Japanese professor develops ‘lickable’ screen

According to Reuters, a Japanese professor has developed a “lickable” television prototype that can mimic food flavors.

Nicknamed “Taste the TV”, taste is squeezed from 10 tubes onto a “hygienic film”, which is curled on the screen for the audience to lick.

Professor Homei Miyashita from Meiji University said the technology could be used in distance education of chefs or wine expert head waiters.

Miyaşita stated that the price of the television would be $ 875 if it was produced commercially.

“The goal is to make everyone have the experience of dining in a restaurant, on the other side of the world, or even sitting at home,” Miyashita said.

Professor has similar inventions

The professor also stated that he envisions a world of downloadable “taste content”.

Miyashita also explained that in the age of Covid-19, this can enrich the way people connect with the outside world.

In the past, Miyashita and his students have produced other taste devices, including a fork that “enhances the taste of food.”

