Japan is preparing for the passage of Nanmadol, a particularly violent typhoon

Japan is preparing for the passage of Nanmadol a particularly

Japan is preparing to face Sunday, in the south of the archipelago, a typhoon described as “ unprecedented ” and of “ very dangerous by the Japanese Meteorological Agency, which is already urging residents to evacuate several areas of the island of Kyushu. Nanmadol is classified as a ” super typhoon by the US Navy’s Tropical Cyclone Prediction Center and could be the most destructive tropical storm to hit Japan in decades.

With our correspondent in Tokyo, Frederic Charles

Ryuta Kurora, the head of the Japanese Meteorological Agency said that the south of the island of Kyushu could receive up to half a meter of rain on Sunday. In any case, it is necessary to expect exceptional rainfall, resulting in floods.

Maximum alert

Nanmadol, the super typhoon blows with gusts reaching 270 km / h. It’s a typhoon very dangerous “said the head of the weather agency. An evacuation order has been issued for more than 330,000 people from the region and the city of Kagoshima. Its inhabitants are urged to go to shelters.

Ryuta Kurora might issue a “ maximum alert “. Since the system was set up in 2013, it would be the first special alert outside the Okinawa region to be issued. The winds are so violent that houses are in danger of collapsing. Strong waves, floods, landslides are to be feared.

Suspended trains and planes

Already, the Kyushu Railway company has halted some train lines. Japan Airlines and All Nippon Airways are canceling flights to Kagoshima, Miyazaki and Kumamoto.

Nanmadol is the fourteenth typhoon of the season. Its strength is equivalent to a class 5 hurricane in the Atlantic Ocean. It is expected to curve east and pass over Tokyo on Tuesday, before heading out to sea.
