Japan Completes First Manned Flying Car Test!

Japan Completes First Manned Flying Car Test

Flying cars are seen as the ultimate mode of transportation of the future. They offer an innovative solution to address traffic, congestion, pollution and other issues plaguing urban transport. Flying cars with their ability to cover shorter distances in less time, promise of clearing roads for pedestrians, cyclists and long-distance travelers carrying.

One of the important benefits of flying cars is, very little infrastructure and maintenance compared to land vehicles on Friday, in southwestern Japan, which makes them a tempting proposition. A manned test flight in Oita Prefecture When it was made, the idea of ​​a flying car was one step closer to reality.

Masc, an Okayama-based research group, conducted the experiment using a two-seater flying car built in China based on drone technology.

The vehicle is at the controls on a pre-programmed route. It flew pilotless, ascended 30 meters vertically, and then circled the sea at 36 kilometers per hour for about three and a half minutes.

Masc’s president, Kirino Hiroshi, stated that they aim to turn flying cars into a commercial proposition, while the Ministry of Transport is aware of this, noting that it is the first test flight of a manned flying car in open space in Japan.

The future of flying cars is indeed promising, and the successful test flight in Japan is an important step towards realizing this futuristic vision.
