Japan became the 5th country to land on the Moon

Japan became the 5th country to land on the Moon

Japan became the 5th country to land on the Moon. The country has achieved a first in its history in this regard.

Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency As confirmed by (JAXA), the spacecraft is “SLIM (Smart Lander for Investigating Moon)” He landed on the moon. With this landing, JapanUSA, Russia, China and IndiaAfter “ Became the 5th country to land on the moon. Currently, the status of SLIM is not fully known. The comments made by JAXA on this subject in the statement, “After landing, communication was established with the spacecraft. However, the solar cells on the rover SLIM are not currently producing power and priority is currently given to collecting data from SLIM.” It was said. These days, when space is mentioned, the first thing that comes to mind is Alper Gezeravcı. It’s hard to miss, but he was chosen as Turkey’s first space traveler. Alper Gezeravcı yesterday (Located on the far right in the photos) space, more specifically the International Space Station (ISS) from private space companies. Axiom Space and organized by SpaceX signed Falcon 9 capsule positioned in front of the rocket Crew Dragoncentering on Axiom Mission 3 He was removed from his duty. The long-awaited mission is progressing smoothly and No major surprise problems are expected during the docking process with the International Space Station.. The four-person multinational team was accepted after receiving approval from NASA and ISS partners. “task expert” passed as Gezeravci next to him, Ax-3 Commander Michael López-AlegríaPilot Walter Villadei and other Mission Specialist Marcus Wandt is also included.


Here As reported, he graduated from the Air Force Academy as an electronics engineer. Gezeravci, afterwards US Air Force Institute of TechnologyHe completed his master’s degree in operational research at. Gezeravcı, an F-16 pilot, has accomplished important tasks and successes in the Air Force for 21 years. If there are no problems, the Ax-3 mission will be the first commercial astronaut mission to the ISS consisting of an all-European crew. Italy, Turkey and Sweden have come together through the European Space Agency (ESA) for Ax-3, which is the third manned mission of Axiom Space. To take Gezeravcı into space It is reported that Turkey paid a “seat fee” of around 55 million dollars.
