January 31 strike at school: what mobilization?

January 31 strike at school what mobilization

After two mobilizations, a third day of strike is planned by teachers and National Education staff on Tuesday, January 31, to protest again against the pension reform. What is the extent of the mobilization to come? We take stock.

[Mise à jour du 24 janvier 2023 à 16h19]. A new call for strike was launched by the eight main French trade unions this Tuesday, January 31, 2023 so that the pension reform project is not adopted! The inter-union asks all sectors of professional activity to mobilize. Among them, some teacher unions as SUD Education and SNALC have already announced that they will be present. For National Education, this will be the third day of strike, after a first mobilization on January 17 to demand a revaluation of the teaching profession and a second on January 19 to protest against the government bill. The executive also presented this Monday, January 23 the comprehensive pension reform in the Council of Ministers. Among the new measures: 1.8 million people or 200,000 new retirees should benefit from the revaluation of the minimum pension up to 100 euros. However, the government remains firm on retirement age at 64. The demands of the unions have therefore not been taken into account on this point and the latter intend to amplify the mobilization of January 31. “We hope to do even stronger on the 31st. Until then, every day, there will be initiatives in companies, in departments“, warned the secretary general of the CGT Philippe Martinez. In schools, the mobilization of teachers is already being prepared. The SUD Education union goes even further since it calls for a extension of the strike after January 31.

A new strike announced on January 31, and in the schools?

The eight main French trade unions have announced thata new day of strike will take place on January 31, 2023, against the pension reform defended by the government. National Education intends to participate in the mobilization. A school strike would therefore be expected for this day. In a joint statementpublished on January 23, the trade union organizations for education, students and higher education and research (SUD Education, Ferc-CGT, FSU, Fnec-FP-FO, Sud Recherche EPST, Solidaires student-es , UNSA Education, Sgen CFDT, SNALC, UNEF, MNL and Fage) set the tone for the next mobilization: “They (trade unions editor’s note) call on employees and young people to prepare general assemblies in all schools and establishments, the national education, higher education and research services to discuss the pursuit and development of the mobilization. The date of January 31 must be even stronger than January 19.” Same echo on the side of the FSU teaching union. After a meeting with the Ministry of National Education to negotiate on the increase in wages, qui took place this Tuesday, January 24 in the morning, the proposals of the executive do not pass. The union explains in its press release that“there would not be a 10% increase for all staff without compensation. (…) In one of the hypotheses, only teachers, CPE and PsyEN with up to 26 years of seniority would be concerned by wage measures. The others would have nothing!” In reaction, the FSU “calls to amplify the movement” in the days that followed and during the strike on January 31.

Disruptions could occur in the schools, colleges and high schools, as well as at the level of extracurricular services and in the school transport, as was the case for the mobilization of January 19. Questioned by BFMTV on January 20, Jules Siran, trade unionist at SUD Education, explained without specifying the substance that diversified actions will be carried out until January 31. He also adds: “We decided to embark on a renewable strike from January 31 and tocall on all teachers but also other categories of professionals (from National Education editor’s note), who will be hard hit by this unjust reform to renew the strike to obtain satisfaction on demands that are very simple, that is to say pure and simple withdrawal from the reform, not a day more, not a euro less, and go as far as demanding retirement at 60 and the return to 37.5 annuities.”

What if my child’s school or class is closed?

For parents who want to know if a reception service will be maintained for this strike day, the answer is yes. In many schools, when it is not closed, only a few teachers will teach the class, said the teachers’ union in its press release. Invited on RMC, Guislaine David recalled thata minimum childcare service is compulsory in primary schools, nursery schools and primary schools. “This is why we must (teachers editor’s note) declare at least 48 hours in advance to organize this service”, comments the secretary general of the Snuipp-FSU. On the other hand, it specifies that in certain territories this service may not be set up. In cases where there is no childcare service in place, the parents of students must on their side find a solution to have their children looked after (nanny, baby sitter, care by a neighbour, trusted neighbor or grandparents). Without a solution, some parents have no choice but to ask for an RTT day or a telework day.

Can a student be turned away from school during a strike?

In the first degree, even if there is a planned strike in a school, under no circumstances can a pupil be refused school. A pupil in primary school (nursery or elementary) must be welcomed during class time, even if his teacher or mistress is absent. This reception service is free. It is provided differently at public school and at private school under contract”indicates the site of the Public Service, according to the law in force since 2008.

Are teachers obliged to declare themselves strikers in advance?

The right to strike in National Education responds to a few obligations. In the first degree, school teachers must declare their intention to go on strike in advance, at least 48 hours before the movement, respecting one working day. It is therefore not possible to declare oneself a striker on Friday if the strike takes place on Monday. If the teacher does not inform his management, he incurs a disciplinary sanction, indicates the ministry’s website.

In colleges and high schools, if a notice has already been given by a union, teachers are not obliged to declare themselves to be on strike in advance. It is up to the management of the establishment to carry out a census of the strikers and to inform the pupils and their families of them in advance. In fact, some teachers also use interactive platforms with students and families to announce their participation or not a few hours before the start of classes. Advice: do not hesitate to contact the school management a few days before or the day before to find out the details of the mobilization to come.
