Janne lived as a homeless person for several years – “Be invisible”

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The number of evictions is increasing and more are at risk of ending up homeless, according to a report presented today by Sweden’s urban missions. Janne Wahlin lived as a homeless person for several years. He says that during that time he ended up outside society in many ways.

– You have nowhere to sleep, nowhere to wash, nowhere to change clothes or take the road. After a while, you don’t look so good. And people don’t want anything to do with one. You kind of become invisible, he says.

Janne became homeless after an eviction and he says that there were several different factors that contributed to him ending up there.

Today, Janne has a home. He received help from social services and has a trial home where he can live as long as he takes care of himself and pays the rent. It was crucial to being able to get out of homelessness, says Janne Wahlin.

Hear Janne’s entire story in the player above.
