Janne Andersson about his osteoarthritis: “Like a toothache in the knee”

Half a million Swedes have osteoarthritis – a popular disease that is on the rise.
One of those affected is former national team captain Janne Andersson, 61, who operated on his knee at the beginning of the year.
– I would have done it earlier. The last few years I had huge problems.

Janne Andersson’s symptoms began 15 years ago, when an old football injury began to make itself felt. From exercising often and a lot could barely do anything.

– Suddenly the pain became actualized. It became a mole ache. Since then I had what I usually describe as a toothache in my knee.

At the beginning of the year, he operated on his knee and he emphasizes that it was important not to be careless with rehab.

– I have put a lot of time and heart into this with good help from those who have helped me. I am extremely satisfied, it is amazing and great.

The orthopedist dispels myths

Osteoarthritis is a joint disease, not a wear-and-tear injury as many believe, says Erik Rönnblad, orthopedist and sports doctor, in Nyhetsmorgon.

– We often throw around the term that the knee wears out or something like that. But actually it is a disease where the decomposing process becomes greater than the building one and then you get less and less articular cartilage in the knee.

Osteoarthritis not only affects older people but also younger people, and the older you are, the greater the risk. Another myth is that you shouldn’t exercise when you have osteoarthritis. That is completely wrong. Exercise is important for the cartilage to receive nourishment from the synovial fluid and strength training to relieve the joint.

– You must also move to maintain your weight.

Osteoarthritis is hereditary, but it is not known why some people get it and others don’t.

– We usually say that approximately one in ten may need surgery. While the rest manage with activity adaptation, weight loss and so this training.

Today 11:04

See the full interview: Here, the orthopedist dispels myths about osteoarthritis

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