Jane Fonda with a new cancer: new revelations about her state of health

Jane Fonda with a new cancer new revelations about her

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    Aged 84, the famous American actress Jane Fonda suffers from cancer of the lymphatic system. Recently on her blog, the Hollywood star announced that she will not let her illness bring her down. His condition is improving.

    On September 2, the actress shared on instagram that she was currently suffering from non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. This is a cancer causing an overall decline in the immune system. According to the National Cancer Institute, nearly 22,000 new cases were diagnosed in France in 2018. Each year, this type of cancer represents more than 90% of all lymphomas diagnosed in the country.

    Jane Fonda: ‘I feel stronger than I have in years’

    After multiple cancers (of the skin, breasts and lips) and a double mastectomy, Jane Fonda suffers from a new type of cancer. It is a non-Hodgkin B lymphoma. On Instagram, she had already spoken about her lymphoma and that she felt lucky because 80% of people survive the cancer from which she suffers.

    To reassure her fans, Jane Fonda gave an update on her state of health which she shared on her blog this September 06. The actress confided that her condition has greatly improved and that the chemotherapy treatment is working.

    “Today, about three weeks from my first chemotherapy session, I have to tell you that I feel stronger than I have in years,” Jane Fonda announced.

    “I would like to reiterate that this is a very treatable cancer and that a lot of progress has been made with the medications given to patients,” added the actress.

    His fitness program

    For six months, the actress will have to treat her non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma with chemotherapy. Despite the fatigue associated with her treatment, Jane Fonda does not give up and will not let her cancer take over. Determined, she does not intend to surrender. In parallel with her treatment, every morning at dawn, she begins her days by doing sports exercises.

    “The doctor told me that the best antidote to fatigue caused by chemotherapy is to move. To walk. And I walked. Very early before the record heat kicked in. I also do weight training “, confided Jane Fonda.

    Consult an oncologist online

    Between the fight against cancer and the fight for the climate

    In short, the Hollywood star has decided that she will continue to live her life to the fullest while she fights her cancer. Despite the fatigue linked to chemotherapy, Jane Fonda, fervent activist for the environment, does not intend to pause her fight to save the planet. A fight that is very close to his heart. The actress does not hesitate to use her notoriety for more visibility for this cause, whether she is in good shape or not.

    “I’m taking the treatments very well and believe me, I won’t let any of this interfere with my climate activism,” she said on Instagram.

    “Most of you will know that I am focused on tackling the urgent climate crisis, caused by fossil fuels… We have the power to change that and I intend to do whatever it takes. is in my power to achieve it. This cancer will not deter me”, concludes Jane Fonda on her blog.
