Jane Fonda regrets her facelift and gives up plastic surgery

Jane Fonda regrets her facelift and gives up plastic surgery

Saved from depression by sport, the ravages of cosmetic surgery, her simple and effective beauty routine: Jane Fonda opens up in an interview with Vogue US. Confidences.

Jane Fonda gave an interview, released on August 2, to US Vogue in which she talks openly about the plastic surgeryher regrets, depression or her beauty tips.

An addiction to cosmetic surgery

Jane Fonda has never hidden having resorted to plastic surgery. However, at the age of 84, the star regrets a procedure she underwent: “I had a facelift and stopped because I didn’t want to look misshapen. I’m not proud of the fact that I had [un]”, she told vogue. While she stresses that she is not sure to try this operation again, the actress admits above all not wanting to look like all those who have been deformed by a facelift : “We all know a lot of rich women who have had all kinds of facelifts and they look terrible.” confided the star. Today, Jane Fonda wants to give up cosmetic surgery, warning at the same time of its ravages: “You can get addicted. Stop doing it”, she advised.

sport against depression

The new face of the H&M brand’s sportswear collection also talks about the importance of practicing sport. This is also the exercise that allowed Jane Fonda toavoid depression.When I move, when I walk, when I exercise, the depression disappears. That and activism are the two best depression tips for me.“, confided the one who is known to be a committed activist.

In this interview, Jane Fonda also revealed her beauty routine to preserve its youth capital: “I don’t spend a lot of money on face creams or that sort of thing, but I stay hydrated, I sleep, I move, I stay out of the sun, and I have friends who make me laugh.” As simple as that.
