Jane Fonda announces that she is in remission from her cancer

Jane Fonda announces that she is in remission from her

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    Three months after announcing that she was suffering from cancer, American actress Jane Fonda has revealed that she is in remission.

    This is good news for all his fans. While American actress and producer Jane Fonda had been suffering from cancer of the lymphatic system for several months, she revealed to be “in remission“.

    A nice “birthday present”

    On September 2, the actress confided on Instagram that she suffered from non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.

    Non-Hodgkin lymphoma is a cancer of the lymphatic system, characterized by an abnormal proliferation of B or T lymphocytes. This cancer can affect the lymph nodes and/or any organ: digestive tract, skin, testicles, etc. It causes an overall drop in immunity.

    Confident in the face of the disease, Jane Fonda had quickly specified that the treatment based on chemotherapy “was working“and that his condition was”greatly improved“.

    Care that has proven to be more than effective, since the writer is now in remission.

    Last week my oncologist told me my cancer was in remission and I could stop the chemo. I feel so blessed, so lucky. I thank all of you who prayed and sent me good vibes. I’m sure that played a part in this good news.“, continued the daughter of Henry Fonda, before adding”It’s the best birthday present ever“.

    The actress has just celebrated her 85th birthday.

    Jane Fonda follows a sports routine

    In parallel with her treatment, the actress keeps herself in shape thanks to a sports routine.

    The doctor told me that the best antidote to fatigue caused by chemotherapy is to move. To walk. And I walked. Very early before the record heat kicked in. I also do bodybuilding“, she confided.
