Jane Fonda, 84, agrees to age without fear

Jane Fonda 84 agrees to age without fear

Her relationship with age, the effects of old age on her body, her secrets of youth: Jane Fonda opens up about the passage of time, which she accepts with serenity.

In full promotion for the new season of the series Grace and Frankie broadcast on Netflix, Jane Fonda and her on-screen partner Lily Tomlin were guests on the show CBS This Morning on April 24. Like the characters they embody, the two actresses live their lives to the full mature womenJane Fonda explaining her special relationship with age.

Jane Fonda, a body transformed with age

At 84, Jane Fonda is not afraid of aging, elegantly accepting the passage of time: “I’m very aware that I am close to death. And I don’t really mind“, claimed the star. If she fully assumes her age, the actress has more difficulty accepting the effects of old age on her body, which has had to undergo numerous surgeries. “What bothers me is that my body is not really mine! My knees are not mine, my hips are not mine, my shoulder is not mine. You’re staring at someone who’s just me above the neck”she confided.

Despite everything, Jane Fonda is delighted to be in such good shape at her advanced age: “The thing is, I’m still alive and working. Who cares if I don’t have my old joints anymore and I can’t ski, bike or run anymore?”assured the one who has always assumed the signs of age, as her white hair and her marked wrinkles. It’s all about mentality for the American who added: “You know, you can be really old at 60 and really young at 85.“.

Jane Fonda’s Youthful Secrets

In this television interview, Jane Fonda also explained that she had quit drinking alcohol to preserve his health. “If I drank a martini tonight, I would be at half mast tomorrow. It didn’t when I was younger, but as you get older I think alcohol affects you differently. And I have few tomorrows left. I don’t want to be at half mast for any of them!’, she said in CBS This Morning.

Jane Fonda combines this trick with others anti aging secrets which she had detailed at Forbes Woman. “Deep sleep is important throughout life, but it is essential when we get older”, she pointed out. The activist also advises exercising during the day, not drinking caffeinated drinks after lunch and eating foods containing natural tryptophan, such as milk and turkey meat. Youth tips that seem to work for Jane Fonda!
