Jan Vapaavuori, Chairman of the Board of the Olympic Committee: Another case of harassment is known

Jan Vapaavuori Chairman of the Board of the Olympic Committee

The Olympic Committee commissions an external report on the handling of Mika Lehtimäki’s case. Jan Vapaavuori, Chairman of the Board, admits the mistakes. He apologized to the parties at the press conference.

Ossi Saarinen,

Micke Suopuro

31.3. 11:28 • Updated March 31st. 12:21

That is the point

  • According to Jan Vapaavuori, Chairman of the Olympic Committee, he is aware of another case of harassment in addition to Mika Lehtimäki’s case.
  • The case came to Vapaavuori’s attention before Lehtimäki’s case became public.
  • The Olympic Committee requests an external report on its activities. Its author is being discussed with Suek.
  • For the time being, Leena Paavolainen, Deputy Director, is the head of the top sports unit. The search profile was washed to be created on 19.4. by.
  • The Board of the Olympic Committee met on Wednesday Mika Lehtimäki as a result of the case. Chairman Jan Vapaavuori commented on the content of the meeting at a press conference on Thursday.

    Vapaavuori was asked if he was aware of any other cases of harassment in addition to Mika Lehtimäki’s case.

    – I am aware of one case, broadly speaking, in this environment. Every case is thoroughly investigated, Vapaavuori replied.

    According to Vapaavuori, the case came to his attention before Lehtimäki’s case became public and is being processed.

    Vapaavuori admitted that mistakes had been made in handling Lehtimäki’s case. She said she wanted to apologize to women who had been subjected to inappropriate behavior.

    – I’ve made mistakes. Bigger and smaller. I want to apologize to everyone. Above all, I apologize to the women who are most affected, but also to the Olympic family and the work community, who have found the matter annoying, Vapaavuori said.

    The Olympic Committee and Chairman Vapaavuori have previously reported that the Board and the public of the Olympic Committee were not informed of the warning, as agreed by the parties concerned. According to Sport’s information, no such request has been made and no non-disclosure agreement has been reached.

    At the press conference, Vapaavuori said that the government has now been informed of the details of the case that led to the warning.

    Vapaavuori: The decision to continue Lehtimäki was a mistake

    On Monday, Lehtimäki said that he would resign as head of the Olympic Committee’s top sports unit. At Monday’s press conference, he presented his own version of the events that led to a warning in the fall about inappropriate behavior.

    Lehtimäki has held one of Finland’s most significant top sports positions since 2018. In March, he was elected to continue his wash until 2024, although the warning was known to the Olympic Committee Bureau and CEO.

    Vapaavuori admits that the decision to continue Lehtimäki was a mistake. Vapaavuori admits that the case has been handled too much on Lehtimäki’s terms.

    – The biggest mistake happened at the stage when Mika Lehtimäki was granted an extension, even though we were aware of the warning, Vapaavuori said.

    An external report will be ordered to handle the case

    The Ministry of Education and Culture said on Wednesday that it would ask the Olympic Committee for a report on how inappropriate behavior has been addressed in the committee and how it will be addressed in the future. The request for clarification also concerns the principles of good and transparent governance.

    At the press conference, Vapaavuori said that the Olympic Committee will commission an external report on the handling of the case. It is not yet known from whom the report will be ordered.

    – The first concrete conclusion is that we are commissioning an external study on the event itself and its management in the Olympic Committee. We didn’t have a finger in the right way on the pulse of the work community. We did not realize that this was a broader cultural phenomenon.

    An external investigation takes time. According to Vapaavuori, the Olympic Committee will also take internal action.

    – We will answer questions sent by staff and arrange an opportunity for staff to discuss with the Board. We conduct an extensive survey to see if staff have experienced harassment in the workplace.

    “I did not feel that trust was directly called into question”

    Vapaavuori was asked whether the board and staff of the Olympic Committee still trust him.

    – I did not feel that trust was directly called into question. As for the staff, I can’t say. I hope to be trusted. I would like to apologize to them for the incorrect assessment of the situation. I want to assure you that we have realized that the gap between staff and government is too far away. This dialogue needs to be improved so that we have a better understanding of how staff experience their daily lives.

    Serves as head of the top sports unit Leena Paavolainen until a new author is applied for the position. According to Vapaavuori, the application profile for the position is scheduled to be created by 19 April.

    Vapaavuori also said that all other breaks in the top-level sports unit have been extended for three months until the end of September.

    Watch the Vapaavuori press conference in its entirety in the video below:
