Jan in Kungälv will stop flooding – with a soccer ball

– It’s unpleasant to get sewage water in, so it’s human excrement and all sorts of shit, says Jan Mattiasson.

During Sunday, SMHI lowered the warning for high water flows to yellow. But it’s only temporary. As of Tuesday, the warning will be upgraded again to red in an area that includes, among other things, Västra Götaland.

Risk of flooding on roads and in basements

– Regardless of the color scale, however, the risks of the rain-heavy storm causing flooding on roads and in people’s basements remain, says Niclas Hjerdt, hydrologist at SMHI to TT.

For Jan Mattiasson, it is not welcome news. On Monday, he was affected by flooding in the basement and has just had it cleaned. Before the coming rainy weather, he and his wife Britt-Marie are preparing at home in the villa.

– If it doesn’t work with the football and water gets in, I have to put in the suction hose and start pumping the water out, says Jan Mattiasson.

Start the clip to see Jan Mattiasson demonstrate his method to prevent another flood in the basement.
