Jan Emanuel on the climate activists: “Get out of the way – stop bullshitting”

In the spring of 2022, Restore Wetlands carried out a series of high-profile roadblocks. One of them on the Central Bridge in Stockholm – where Jan Emanuel got stuck in the growing queue of cars.

The former Member of Parliament left his car and tried to drag one of the activists away.

– I helped the person off the road, I didn’t think he would sit there, he says.

Sound critic

The scene was caught on film and widely circulated. After the incident, Jan Emanuel has been a recurring critic of Restore Wetlands’ methods.

Now the group has started a new wave of action with several roadblocks as a result.

– Civil disobedience is basically something good, something nice. Imagine that a group has killed dolphins, then you go there and stand in the way so they don’t kill dolphins. But no one has ever come up with the extremely stupid idea of ​​destroying ordinary people who are on their way to work, says Jan Emanuel.

“Famous with celebrities”

In addition to the roadblocks, Restore Wetlands has carried out actions at, for example, sporting events, the National Museum and during the “Let’s Dance” final.

– If you have to put things against each other. Ruining for ordinary honest people going to work, or running out when some semi-celebrities are dancing – in that case, run out and fool around with the celebrities who are dancing, it doesn’t matter. But stop sabotaging ordinary people, says Jan Emanuel.
