The satirist Jan Böhmermann (41) once again takes on the German influencer scene. In his streamer persona, which is heavily based on Twitch star Marcel “MontanaBlack” Eris (34), Böhmermann posted a video on the YouTube channel of ZDF Magazin Royale.
what is this video In the YouTube video, which appeared on December 8th on the official channel of ZDF Magazin Royale, Jan Böhmermann can be seen again in a black tank top and with a gold chain. The background is also very reminiscent of MontanBlack’s streaming setup.
In this way, Jan Böhmermann has already covered topics such as microtransactions in video games. So the parody does not apply explicitly to MontanaBlack, but to all streamers with this type of content.
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Jan Böhmermann as a reaction streamer
What is this time about? In his current video, Böhmermann parodies reaction streams. Streamers react to the content of other content creators or watch series, on which they then make more or less original comments.
Jan Böhmermann chose the ZDF show “Bares for Rares” for his video. Armed with a pack of “Froot Loops” cereal, which he eats obsessively into the mic, and an energy drink, Böhmermann watches as a diamond-studded cross is appraised at the junk show and then sold.
Incidentally, the supposed streamer receives donations, i.e. donations, from his alleged viewers, which far exceed the value of the treasure shown. Böhmermann boasts that he can buy “five of those things”.
Those responsible for Böhmermann also followed the usual clichés in the design of the video: the title of the video is peppered with emojis, some words are apparently capitalized arbitrarily.
In the description of the video, the supposed streamer apologizes for his long absence, saying he had trouble with the tax. In the future, however, he wants to stream more regularly again. Similar announcements – minus the tax part – can also often be found on the social media channels of real streamers.
Does ZDF deal with Twitch streamers today?
What does that mean now? When Böhmermann last teased his streaming persona on Instagram in September 2022, an issue of his magazine Royale followed, in which he dealt in detail with the topic of microtransactions in video games and the streamers who promote them.
One can therefore assume that today’s episode of the satirical show will settle accounts with the German influencer scene again. In terms of content, it could be about reaction content or about the income from Twitch streamers, especially in the form of donations.
The ZDF Magazin Royale is broadcast every Friday at 11:00 p.m. on ZDF, but can already be seen in the broadcaster’s media library from 8:00 p.m.
What is Reactions all about? This type of content, with influencers reacting to each other, has become so popular that it has spawned a genre of YouTube videos of its own: compilations of content from the bigger names of YouTube and Twitch, which in turn is acted upon by streamers and YouTubers .
Reactions to reactions are also not uncommon. So it’s hardly surprising that the last episode of Royale magazine, which dealt with streamers, also caused numerous reactions.
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