James-Webb D-1: expect the deepest image of the Universe ever!

James Webb D 6 expect the deepest image of the Universe ever

Another 12 days to wait. On July 12, NASA, theESA and the CSA (Canadian Space Agency) will release the first images from the James-Webb Space Observatory as well as the first spectroscopic data.

NASA boss Bill Nelson stressed at a press conference yesterday that one of the images to be unveiled is the deepest image of our Universe which has never been acquired. ” It’s further than mankind has ever looked before “he declared and qualifying the telescope of ” nothing less than a true scientific achievement “. This image will therefore surpass that of the ultra-deep field ofHubblewhich has become iconic.

Images to change the vision of astronomy

The photos that will be made public have therefore been selected. Nasa said they were chosen on scientific considerations, their ability to demonstrate the scope of the telescope’s capabilities and also for their artistic interest and expected colorful beauty. Each of the images will reveal ” different aspects of the universe infrared in unprecedented detail and sensitivity said the James-Webb scientists.

In addition to the deepest infrared view of the cosmos to date, the images will also show how the galaxies interact and develop. They may also show stars dying plants seeding the galaxy with new elements and dust that may one day become part of new planetary systems. Will James-Webb revisit the famous nebula de l’Aigle (M 16) and its iconic Pillars of Creation? We suspect that NASA has not ” teased » all the images that will be made public…

Regarding the spectroscopic data, among the spectra acquired, there is that ofatmosphere of one exoplanet which could help us to identify which molecules exist in its atmosphere and whether the observed exoplanet could potentially be habitable, not to be confused with “being inhabited”.

In conclusion of this press conference, everyone is convinced that James-Webb should indeed revolutionize astronomy and answer a multitude of questions such as ” where do we come from ? », « who are we ? ” and ” what more is there? »

Other good news: we knew that, thanks to Ariadne 5James Webb will work longer than expected, 10 years against 5 years initially planned. Eventually, finer calculations showed that there was enough fuel to run it for at least 20 years.

Save the date ! The first “real” images of James-Webb soon to be revealed

Article of Remy Decourt published on 05/06/2022

Humanity is about to marvel at the next spectacle offered by the James-Webb telescope, this is essentially what astronomy experts unanimously predict. The largest space observatory ever built will provide its first images soon. No doubt they will be emotionally accompanied by an intense “Wow”.

NASA announces that the first images and spectroscopic data from the James-Webb Space Telescope will be made public on July 12. Unsurprisingly, its first images are expected to be spectacular. But above all, they will have to surpass, at the technical, scientific and artistic level, the most beautiful images of Hubble which have amazed us for more than 30 years.

As the largest, most complex and expensive space observatory ever launched into space, James-Webb went through a six-month preparation period before it could begin scientific operations, calibrating its four instruments at its spatial environment and aligning its mirrors. This painstaking process resulted in the first images and data, demonstrating the power of the telescope and its 6.5 meter mirror unveiled the infrared universe.

There ” publication of the first images in color of Webb will provide a once-in-a-lifetime moment for all of us to stop and marvel at a sight mankind has never seen before. said Eric Smith, Webb program scientist. And to add these images will be the culmination of decades of dedication, talent and dreams — but they will also only be the beginning “. In terms of teasing, we can’t do better!

An expected “wow”

More seriously, and as NASA points out, this “ For five years now, the JWST scientific team has been working and thinking about what will be the first targets of this observatory “, whose astronomical costs are around 10 billion dollars. At this price, the American, Canadian and European citizens who financed it expect data which will “revolutionize” the observation of the sky in the infrared.

If we expect these first images to be of great artistic interest, they should also delight astronomers professionals and highlight the tremendous technological performance of the instruments on board the satellite. They should also provide insight into what to expect for users of James-Webb data. As soon as the observatory is operational and its instruments properly calibrated, the James-Webb telescope will observe, one by one, a list of targets that have been pre-selected and ranked in order of priority by an international committee.

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