James Bond star Daniel Craig in a master director’s thriller whose finale is completely disturbing

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We have already published this article in a similar form for the TV broadcast on May 20, 2022.

The James Bond role often outshines other acting performances. After his departure from the 007 franchise, it is therefore all the more worthwhile check out his other great performances. One of the best is on TV today in infatuation with master director David Fincher (Seven, Fight Club).

Lots of human abysses lurk in the thriller highlight with Daniel Craig

It is a remake of the recently released film The Blind, itself an adaptation of the book of the same name by Stieg Larsson. This may seem suspicious to some. But the story has found its perfect director in Fincher, The cast around Craig and Rooney Mara also benefited immensely from his thriller sensibilities.

Check out the trailer for Glamor here:

Blindness – Trailer (German) HD

the disturbing story about a dark family clan and he masterfully stages a girl who disappeared four decades ago. Infatuation alternates between an Agatha Christie investigative mystery and the inky, almost traumatizing maelstrom of a thriller about human cruelty.

The cast plays perfectly into the hands of this cocktail of tension and atmosphere. Mara, who was rightly nominated for an Oscar for her performance, rages with one unique blend of anger and fragility through the movie. Craig as investigative journalist Blomkvist is in a sense her canvas, her negative: withdrawn, controlled and modest, he gives her room to soar.

Craig may have benefited from the self-confidence of his Bond role. But between Fincher’s gritty thriller and Netflix’s mega-project with a muscular Guardians of the Galaxy, one thought springs to mind: The actor is better off without Bond. The versatility shown with films like Infatuation finally has time to unfold.

When is Infatuation with James Bond star Daniel Craig on TV?

infatuation is coming this Monday, November 28, 2022 at 10:15 p.m. on ZDF. On November 30, 2022, the film will be repeated at 12:45 a.m. Starring alongside Mara and Craig are veteran actors Stellan Skarsgård and Christopher Plummer.

The 10 best films coming to Netflix and Co. in 2022

Before the streaming year ends, we bring you another 10 upcoming titles we’re most excited about in 2022.

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In this installment of the Moviepilot podcast Stream Gefluer we talk about Guillermo del Toro’s dark new version of Pinocchio, the Will Smith comeback Emancipation, the Knives Out sequel Glass Onion with Daniel Craig and the horror hype Barbarian, among others.

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