Jair Bolsonaro’s party files an appeal against the result of the presidential election

Jair Bolsonaros party files an appeal against the result of

The outgoing president’s party has filed an appeal for partial cancellation of the election, while some demonstrators continue to block roads and demonstrate in front of barracks to prevent Lula’s return to power.

With our correspondent in Sao Paulo, Martin Bernard

Valdemar de Costa Neto, the president of Jair Bolsonaro’s Liberal Party, called a press conference to request the invalidation of the result of the presidential. According to him, some electronic ballot boxes, manufactured before 2020, would have defects, and would have prevented the far-right candidate from winning in the second round.

This appeal comes three weeks after a poll which, according to electoral justice, went off without a hitch. The Superior Electoral Tribunal immediately replied, wondering why the Liberal Party did not ask for the invalidation of the first round, which took place under the same conditions.

That day, Bolsonaro’s party won the most seats in the Chamber of Deputies. His request for annulment will therefore be automatically rejected if it does not also concern the first round, according to the court.

This attempt to challenge the results was expected. It is part of a series of actions by supporters of Jair Bolsonaro. Some continue to block roads, and small groups demonstrate in front of certain barracks calling for a coup to prevent Lula’s return to power.

► To read also: Brazil: supporters of Jair Bolsonaro demonstrate, two weeks after his defeat
