Jail for man who set fire to health centre

Jail for man who set fire to health centre

Updated 04:55 | Published at 4:49 am

full screen A 29-year-old man is sentenced to four years in prison for an arson attack on the health center. Archive image. Photo: Henrik Montgomery/TT

A 29-year-old man is sentenced to four years in prison for an arson attack on the health center in Svenljunga in January. The fire caused damage worth ten million kroner, reports Borås Tidning.

It was when the man was denied a driver’s license that it broke for him. During the night, he went to the medical center and set it on fire by throwing several Molotov cocktails into the building.

Fortunately, the incendiary bombs ended up next to a plaster wall and the fire therefore developed slowly. Despite this, quantities of healthcare materials had to be thrown away.

The man is also sentenced to pay damages of just over SEK 820,000. He claims not to remember the deed but has been convinced by the evidence that he is guilty.
