Jadot / Mélenchon, the battle for ecology

This Thursday, in Nantes, Yannick Jadot is holding his last campaign meeting. The environmentalist candidate is still considered the best student on ecology but… tied because he has to push himself a little to make room for Jean-Luc Mélenchon on the first place on the podium. This is the result of the analyzes of various environmental defense organizations published in recent days (such as that of the Climate Action Network). One more difficulty for the environmentalist candidate who is trying to stem the flight of his voters to the candidate of La France insoumise.

Ecological transition, exit from nuclear power, defense of biodiversity: the rebellious have taken up everything the Greens have been saying for 50 years! “, enrages an environmentalist, aware that Jean-Luc Melenchon could siphon off the electorate from Yannick Jadot.

Among the Greens, we point to ” differences in approach », we track down the inconsistencies between the program and the positions of Jean-Luc Mélenchon and we criticize his vision of Europe: for Yannick Jadot, it is at 27 – and not alone – that an ecological policy can be really effective.

Nevertheless: the idea that the two candidates are the two best defenders of the environment handicaps Yannick Jadot, already struggling. He therefore warns against the ” mirage » useful vote and calls for vote of conviction “.

A few more points to take for Mélenchon

For his part, Jean-Luc Mélenchon insists on ecology in this final stretch. He started his meeting on Tuesday in Lille speaking of climate change, calling for “holding the Paris agreement at all costs” and “breaking with the looting and plundering of nature”.

This is not insignificant: there are still a few points to take on this side “Slips a relative of the candidate, knowing that among those who intend to vote for Yannick Jadot, 6 out of 10 are not yet certain of their vote, according to the Ipsos / Cevipof electoral survey of April 5.
