Jacob Zuma’s party denounces ANC coalition with Democratic Alliance

Jacob Zumas party denounces ANC coalition with Democratic Alliance

In South Africa, it was the first speech for Jacob Zuma’s uMkhonto we Sizwe (MK) party since the re-election of President Cyril Ramaphosa on Friday. A vote that the 58 MK deputies boycotted. A way of denouncing the results of the general elections of May 29, which they consider fraudulent, without providing proof. But the boycott is over. The party, South Africa’s third political force, now wants to lead the opposition camp in Parliament to confront the coalition government that the ANC is forming with the Democratic Alliance. And this coalition is their number one enemy.

2 mins

With our correspondent in Johannesburg, Roman Song

Forming a government with the Democratic Alliance, a liberal party whose majority of executives are white, would be a return to the apartheid regime, according to the MK party. And the president, Cyril Ramaphosa, would be a collaborator.

The MK party is attacking the National Unity Government that the ANC is trying to form in order to govern. All parties are called to participate, but the MK refuses to set foot there. He therefore wants to resist it by going to Parliament after having boycotted it.

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The party seems to have calmed down, a little, and rejects all forms of violence. But the vocabulary remains that of combat. “ This white-led alliance must collapse before it gains a foothold “, declared the spokesperson on behalf of Jacob Zuma who was seated next to him.

The former president promises to address the nation soon and put a battle plan in place, with the goal of “ take back the country from the enemies of progress “. “ We have two choices leftrepeated the spokesperson, much applauded by dozens of activists: to submit, or to fight “.

Read alsoSouth Africa: questions about the stability of the government coalition
