Jacob, 21, is mistaken for the superstar

Superstar Erling Haaland has a double in Karlstad.
However, 21-year-old Jacob Erwing is anything but a fan.
– I had never thrown on a Manchester City shirt!

Karlstad resident Jacob Erwing is a completely ordinary guy. Still, he is whispered about when he walks around town, and he gets to take selfies with strangers and sign autographs. The reason? He is very, very similar to Manchester City’s big star and Norway’s football light Erling Haaland.

– It started when I received a DM that I was very similar to him, says Jacob in Efter fem.

They have the same build, are the same height and weigh the same. Maybe the lips and nose are somewhat reminiscent of the star’s, thinks Jacob himself. Otherwise, he doesn’t think the resemblance is that striking between him and the soccer star. But he is frequently stopped in town with questions about signing autographs or taking pictures.

– It happens quite often actually, not so much in Karlskrona but when I leave town it happens a lot.

In particular, he remembers an incident when he was in Cyprus with his girlfriend and a little boy came up and wanted to take a picture and get his cap signed. And Jacob said that even though he explained to the guy that he wasn’t Haaland, the guy still wanted a crow on his cap.

– I asked him, do you still want me to sign as well? And he wanted that, so I signed with my own name, smiles Jacob.

But Jacob himself is not a fan of Haaland. Wearing a Manchester United shirt and scarf, he points out:

– I had never thrown on a Manchester City shirt!
