Jackie Chan is an icon of action cinema. Be it shallow comedies or hard thrillers, the Chinese actor has appeared in many films and impressed with stunts. You can currently watch a recommended thriller that isn’t even that old for free, but you should hurry up.
What film is it about? Jackie Chan has appeared in an enormous number of films in his career. He was best known for his stunts, which he mixed with kung fu and even did himself with his own team. Many people know him from comedies, but he is also known for more serious films.
You could see him in a film like this in 2017. The Foreigner tells the story of old restaurant owner Quan, played by Jackie Chan, who loses his only daughter in an attack by an Irish terrorist organization.
After the police fail to locate the terrorists, Quan goes to work himself and finds a lead in the past of a politician played by Pierce Brosnan, known as James Bond. A cat-and-mouse game develops that uncovers their past.
The Foreigner – Trailer for the tough revenge thriller with Jackie Chan
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Jackie Chan as a grieving father
What makes the film so good? A big aspect of the film is Jackie Chan himself. If you mostly know his funny films, then you just have to sympathize with the grieving father. He has lost everything and that takes him to a limit. Jackie Chan also plays this quite believably.
Quan, driven by his feelings for revenge, decides to look for the terrorists himself. He is not a classic hero. He uses highly immoral methods and that’s exactly what makes it exciting. As you know from revenge films, you find yourself putting the hero’s brutal actions into perspective.
He also has a parallel with the villain of the film. Both have tried to put their past behind them, but it is now returning. Be it in the story of the film or in the exciting fights.
This makes for a nice contrast because the hero has nothing left and the villain can lose everything he has built at the hands of an angry man.
An aging Jackie Chan with nice action
The visual highlight is of course the combat. As is typical of Jackie Chan, you can look forward to cool choreographies. These are less creative, but more brutal. Jackie Chan also fights with weapons and here too it becomes clear that Jackie Chan only lives for his revenge.
The mix is then enriched by survival elements and the motto: One man against all. These are familiar ideas, but they’re still fun in this context.
The nice thing about The Foreigner is that you can tell in the choreographies that Jackie Chan has gotten old. As in the film itself, he is not a young-at-heart super soldier. He is a trained fighter who has to compensate for his physical disadvantages with clever ideas.
The Foreigner doesn’t really do anything new, but in this case it’s not a bad thing. It’s not a highly complex story being told, just simple revenge. The film could be a little shorter, but if you want to see an aging Jackie Chan in action with good choreography and brutal fights, you should watch The Foreigner.
Where can you watch the film? The film is currently available for free in the ZDF media library. But you should hurry because the film is only available until November 20, 2024. Since the film is for ages 16 and up, you have to watch it after 10 p.m. or get verified. If you have Netflix, then this thriller might be something for you: A new 16+ thriller is currently number 1 on Netflix and it will make you sweat