Jabaliya bombings ‘could be war crimes’, UN says

Jabaliya bombings could be war crimes UN says

As the war sparked by the Hamas attack in Israel entered its 27th day on Thursday, the Jabaliya refugee camp, in the north of the Gaza Strip, was bombed a second time on Wednesday. Dozens of injured Palestinians and hundreds of foreigners were allowed to evacuate from Gaza to Egypt.

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Nearly 80 injured Palestinians evacuated from Gaza to Egypt via the Rafah crossing point on Wednesday November 1, while more than 300 foreigners and dual nationals were also allowed to leave Gaza yesterday. It’s about of the first evacuations since the start of the war between Israel and Hamas on October 7. They must continue this Thursday

The Jabaliya refugee camp was struck again this Wednesday, killing at least 195 Palestinians according to Hamas. Admiral Daniel Hagari, the Israeli army spokesperson, stressed that an investigation was still ongoing and that the aim of the operation was a targeted attack which targeted an official of the Ezzedin al Kassam brigades. The Israeli spokesperson confirmed that Dozens of people were killed in this attack. But the vast majority were terrorists, he says.

► Since October 7, 1,400 Israelis were killed, including 326 soldiersand the Israeli army reports 240 people held hostage by Hamas. 8,796 Palestinians died in Gaza, including more than 3,500 children, the Hamas-controlled Ministry of Health said at midday on Wednesday.

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5:30 a.m.: Explosions heard around Al-Guds hospital in Gaza

The Palestinian Red Crescent reports having heard “ intense bombing » overnight, near the Al-Quds hospital in Tel Al-Hawa in the Gaza Strip, which has already been threatened with bombing by Israel in recent days. The hospital houses 14,000 displaced people according to the PRCS,

5:24 a.m.: Second list of foreigners and dual nationals authorized to cross Rafah to Egypt this Thursday

After hundreds of first evacuations of foreigners and dual nationals yesterday, the Rafah General Authority for Crossings and Borders published this Thursday a second list of around a hundred people holding international passports authorized to leave Gaza via the Rafah crossing , towards Egypt. The list includes 596 foreigners and dual nationals from 15 countries. The total number of dual nationals and foreigners in Gaza is estimated at more than 5,000.

Read alsoIsrael-Hamas war: first evacuations of foreigners and wounded from Gaza to Egypt

5:15 a.m.: Argentina denounces Israeli bombings on Jabaliya camp

Argentina yesterday condemned Israel’s attack on the Jabaliya refugee camp in the Gaza Strip, bombed twice, causing the deaths of several dozen civilians each time. “ Argentina condemned in unequivocal terms the terrorist attacks perpetrated by Hamas on October 7 and recognizes Israel’s right to self-defense. However, nothing justifies the violation of international humanitarian law and the obligation to protect the civilian population », Declared in a press release the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

5:06 a.m.: More than 20,000 injured still in Gaza, according to MSF

There are still more than 20,000 injured in the Gaza Strip, said Doctors Without Borders (MSF), despite the first evacuations on Wednesday to Egypt of Palestinian patients and foreigners or dual nationals. “ More than 20,000 injured remain in Gaza, with limited access to health care due to constant siege and bombardment » of the Israeli army, the humanitarian organization said in a statement.

MSF, which specified that its 22 international staff, including five French, had been able to leave Gaza via the Rafah border crossing, requested that a larger number of residents of the Palestinian territory be able to be evacuated. “ People who wish to leave Gaza must be allowed to do so without further delay and without prejudice to their right to return to Gaza at a later date. », estimated MSF, which calls for a “ immediate ceasefire “.
