IVS Group, turnover and profitability stable in the first half of the year

IVS Group assembly approves budget and renews board of directors

(Telestock) – IVS Group closes the first half of the year with a consolidated turnover of 371.4 million euros, +0.1% compared to 370.9 million in the first half of 2023.

EBITDA, equal to Euro 56.6 million, an increase of 2.8% from approximately 55 million in June 2023, while Adjusted EBITDA consolidated is
equal to 57.5 million, in increase of 0.2% compared to 57.4 million in June 2023. EBIT rises to 16.7 million and Adjusted EBIT to 17.7 million.

Consolidated net profit is equal to Euro 4.9 million (after profits attributable to minorities) compared to the 4.3 million of June
2023. Adjusted Net Profit (after third party profits) net of items considered non-recurring, is equal to 5.9 million compared to 6.1
million in June 2023.

The Net Financial Position is negative by 416.4 million (including approximately Euro 63.8 million arising from rental and leasing contracts
based on the forecasts of the IFRS 16 principle), improving compared to Euro 421.1 million at the end of 2023 and also compared to Euro 422.8 million at the end of March 2024.
