Ivo strongly criticizes Gnosjö municipality’s care for the elderly

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Ivo also criticizes the staff’s lack of sufficient command of the Swedish language. Medicines are not handled in a patient-safe way and the documentation does not comply with the regulations. In addition, staff who work with patients at the end of life do not have access to information about how care should be carried out.

– Everyone in Sweden should be able to trust that they will receive good and safe care throughout their lives. That elderly people in the final stages of life do not receive the care and treatment they are entitled to is serious, says Anna Karin Nyqvist, head of unit at Ivo.

Gnosjö municipality must report by mid-February at the latest what measures it will implement to correct the points that are criticized.

Eksjö’s elderly care is also criticized

A few days ago, Eksjö municipality received similar criticism. Ivo carries out a national inspection of the medical care in special residences for the elderly, and during the spring the authority continues to carry out inspections of more municipalities.

– In general, Ivo can state that the minimum level of care in special residences for the elderly is unacceptably low, says Anna Karin Nyqvist.

In the clip below, you can hear her talk about the criticism of Eksjö municipality.
