“I’ve never been afraid of my father” – a new twist in the Ingebrigtsen family drama when brother Martin stepped forward

Ive never been afraid of my father a new

Martin Ingebrigtsen defends his father in a letter to the Norwegian newspaper VG. World Championship medalist Narve Gilje Nordås plans to continue coaching the sensational Gjert Ingebrigtsen.

Norwegian successful runners Jakob, Philip and Henrik Ingebrigtsen on Thursday VG-lehte accused the father who previously coached them of being violent and scary. On Friday, one of the sons of a family of seven children, Martinstood up for his father Gjert Ingebrigtsen.

– Fortunately, fear is a foreign feeling to me. I have never been afraid of my father, Martin wrote in his letter to VG.

He said that he wants to tell his own experiences now, because they differ so much from what the runner brothers told the Norwegian newspaper. The brothers, who won prize money, said in their letter on Thursday that their father was very aggressive and controlling in his upbringing.

Martin wrote to VG that it is difficult for him to see much fear when others in the family regularly visit his father and have recently been on holiday with him.

– Most people would probably not have done such a thing with a violent person or built their house within walking distance of the family home if the fear was so great, writes Martin Ingebrigtsen.

Jakob, Filip and Henrik Ingebrigtsen did not want to comment on Martin’s views to VG. Gjert’s father’s lawyer John Christian Elden told VG that Gjert Ingebrigtsen was happy about the support he received from Martin. At the same time, however, he regretted that the family relationship has become a public topic.

Martin said in his letter that he knew his father’s controlling and temper tantrums, but emphasized that the family home was safe.

The World Cup medalist continues in coaching

The running brothers have not been under their father’s coaching for almost two years. Their countryman, who won the World Championship bronze in 1500 meters in the summer Narve Gilje Nordås however, plans to continue under Gjert Ingebrigtsen’s coaching.

– Yes, that’s the plan, he said For the Norwegian public broadcasting company NRK on Friday.

Nordås emphasized that the brothers’ coming out is only about allegations so far. According to his own words, he cannot say more until all the facts in the matter are presented.

Nordås, who made a sensational rise to the top of the world last summer, is suffering from a family feud, as Ingebrigtsen’s successful brothers do not want anything to do with their father, but represent the same national team as Nordås.

The Norwegian police said on Friday that they will start preview of Gjert Ingebrigtsen because of the arguments of the brothers.
