IVASS, RC Auto: in December the average award increases

Cars hybrid car registrations represented 493 of the market in

(Finance) – After two months of stability, in December 2024 the Average price of the ARC car returns to climb. According to data released byVATthe average prize in December is certified for 419 euros, compared to the 416 euros in October and November. On an annual basis, the increase in the last quarter of 2024 was +6.6% in nominal terms and +5.3% in real terms. The average prize thus exceeds the pre-plating levels (404 euros in 2019), but remains 12.2% lower than the fourth quarter of 2014.

The analysis of IVASS highlights that All Italian provinces have recorded an increase on an annual basis, with increases between +3.0% and +10.3%. The cities with the major increases are Rome (+10.3%), Lecce (+8.7%) and Catania (+8.6%). In addition, a third of the provinces saw an increase in the average higher prize to the national average. The price gap between Naples and Aosta is equal to 262 euros, with an increase of 8.6% compared to the previous year, but down by 41.5% compared to 2014.

Solos He criticized these increases hard, considering them unmotivated and disconnected from the trend of road accidents and the repair costs. The President Gabriele Melluso He underlined that in 2024 road accidents in Italy decreased by 4.3%compared to the pre-time period, with a drop in victims (-6.8%) and wounded (-8%).

“Ivass herself recently confirmed that Since 2022 the increase in auto RC tariffs widely exceeds that of repair costs and spare parts – continues Melluso – There is therefore an urgent structural reform of the sector that guarantees greater competition, more rights for insured and transparency in compensation procedures. It also serves one immediate reform of the insurance supervision authority or a new council which finally plays the role for which it was established: concretely protect the interests and rights of consumers “.

(Photo: @Pixel7propix on UNSPLASH)
